- 1. But Dubai, which has no oil, was backed by its Arab emirate neighbors.
- 但是迪拜没有石油,它的阿拉伯酋长邻国会支持他。
- 2. From Egypt, Rice travels to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirate.
- 访问埃及之后,赖斯还将访问沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国。
- 3. The $3.2 million billboard will be unveiled in the Emirate next spring.
- 这幅斥资320万美元的布告牌将于明年春天在迪拜酋长国揭晓。
- 4. There's no denying that the emirate overreached and will pay a hefty price.
- 不可否认,迪拜犯了扩张过度的大忌,而且将为此付出惨痛代价。
- 5. The 'No, Nice Air-Conditioning Is Not a Competitive Advantage' Award to the Emirate of Dubai
- “不,好空调不算竞争优势”奖:迪拜
- 6. The announcement threw the emirate and the global credit markets into a vertiginous free fall.
- 这一消息将这个酋长国和全球信贷市场一起抛入空中,进入了令人晕头转向的自由坠落状态。
- 7. The emirate has been performing quite well in sectors in which it has traditionally been successful.
- 该酋长国传统上较为成功的行业一直表现上佳。
- 8. The problem has spread to the nearby affluent Gulf emirate of Sharja, according to a police source.
- 这个问题已蔓延至邻近富裕的波斯湾沙迦邦,据警方一名消息人士说。
- 9. The emirate managed to raise $1.25 billion in a two-part bond sale, which was heavily oversubscribed.
- 迪拜酋长国设法使其三分之二的债券销售额增加12.5亿美元,债券则超过量销售。
- 10. And then he blew it all by invading Kuwait, the small, rich neighbouring emirate, on August 2nd 1990.
- 1990年8月2日,随着入侵科威特这个与之毗邻的富裕小国,一切都被他葬送了。
- 11. The emirate also has a thriving private-sector middle class, but it consists almost entirely of foreigners.
- 酋长国也有蒸蒸日上的私营业中产阶级,但是差不多全是外国人。
- 12. THE Angolan capital calls itself the “New Dubai” and there certainly are similarities with the emirate.
- 安哥拉的首都自称“新迪拜”,它的确与那酋长国有相似之处。
- 13. DUBAI (AFP) -... hopeful of polishing an image tarnished by the debt woes afflicting the Gulf emirate.
- 迪拜(法新社)-…但愿此举能抛光海湾酋长国因受债务困扰而受损的形象。
- 14. THE Angolan capital calls itself the "New Dubai" and there certainly are similarities with the emirate.
- 安哥拉的首都自称“新迪拜”,它的确与那酋长国有相似之处。
- 15. Weakened by such troubles, the emirate was completely overrun by a rival clan, the al-Rashids, in the 1890s.
- 由于争夺王位削弱了国力,1890年前后该国完全被敌对的阿尔·拉希德部族吞并。
- 16. Twice in the 19th century, the Saudi emirate collapsed owing to struggles between brothers and cousins over who should rule.
- 19世纪沙特酋长国已经两次由于兄弟之间和堂兄弟之间的倾轧而崩溃。
- 17. In Europe, banking stocks fell amid concern that the value of loans to the emirate would have to be written sharply lower.
- 在欧洲,银行股在担心借给阿拉伯酋长们的贷款价值将被大幅划减而下跌。
- 18. Dubai, located in the southern Persian Gulf on the Arabian peninsula, is both a city and an emirate in the UAE (United Arab Emirates).
- 迪拜位于波斯湾南部的阿拉伯半岛上,它既是一座城市,又是阿拉伯联合酋长国中的一个酋长国。
- 19. The emirate does not say how much its fund is worth. Estimates are between five hundred billion and nine hundred billion dollars.
- 即使酋长也说不清具体这个基金有多大,据估计至少在5000亿美金到9000亿美金之间。
- 20. With just 3.4m residents, only a third of them indigenous citizens, the emirate sits on a claimed 8% of the world’s petroleum reserves.
- 全国340万的人口,其中只有1/3有科威特户籍,这个国家是号称拥有世界8%石油储备的酋长国。
- 21. The auction house now works with a range of regional collectors in the Emirate, where there are signs that the market is broadening.
- 该拍卖行现与阿联酋区域的收藏家合作,这表明市场正逐步扩大。
- 22. By 2022, say the Qataris, the emirate will have railways, including a high-speed link to the islands of the neighbouring kingdom, Bahrain.
- 相关人员说,该国在2022年以前将建成铁路,其中包括连接邻国巴林的岛屿的高速线路。
- 23. The building opened in January 2010, just weeks after the emirate announced a standstill on debts largely incurred on glitzy property projects.
- 这座建筑在2010年1月启用,而仅仅数周之前,迪拜酋长国刚刚宣布暂停偿还主要源于光彩夺目的房地产项目的债务。
- 24. We were tasked to rebrand Dubai Events Holding, which is an emirate decreed company responsible for enhancing Dubai as an event destination.
- 我们负责重新命名迪拜的举行,这是一个酋长国颁布法令,以加强公司为事件负责目的地迪拜。
- 25. The international Banks that lent to Dubai, like the emirate itself, may have to swallow a bitter pill and agree to a restructuring in the total debt.
- 如同该酋长国自己一样,贷款给迪拜的那些国际银行可能也不得不吞下苦果,同意对整体债务进行重组。
- 26. Some in the emirate seemed tempted to declare victory over their woes, pretend that every balance-sheet was sound, and go back to business as usual.
- 迪拜的一些人试图宣布胜利以掩盖其困境,假装所有的资产负债表都很健全,回归正常运营。
- 27. Dubai -owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world's tallest hotels to cater for growing Numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate.
- 迪拜所有的阿联酋航空公司表示,它将修建一座世界上最高的旅馆,以容纳海湾国家阿联酋日益增长的观光客。
- 28. Dubai -owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world's tallest hotels to cater for growing Numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate.
- 迪拜所有的阿联酋航空公司表示,它将修建一座世界上最高的旅馆,以容纳海湾国家阿联酋日益增长的观光客。