- 1. She embroidered flowers on the cushion covers.
- 她在这些靠垫套上绣了花。
- 2. I have a pillow with my name embroidered on it.
- 我有一个绣着我名字的枕头。
- 3. She embroidered the cushion covers with flowers.
- 她在这些靠垫套上绣了花。
- 4. The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials.
- 这些毛巾上绣着他们缠绕着的第一个字母。
- 5. The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries.
- 这衣领上绣了非常小的红色草莓。
- 6. She did beautiful needlework and she embroidered table napkins.
- 她的针线活做得很漂亮,而且还会绣餐巾。
- 7. She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.
- 她戴着一个漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也不甘示弱,穿了一件很潇洒的刺绣马甲。
- 8. She embroidered the cloth with a pattern in yellow and green stitches.
- 她用黄绿两种线在那块布上绣了一个图案。
- 9. The walls were covered with tapestry with a forest scene embroidered on it.
- 墙上挂着绣有森林景色的挂毯。
- 10. Screamed the lady of the house, covering the cage with an embroidered white pocket handkerchief.
- 女主人尖叫着,用一块绣花白手帕盖住了鸟笼。
- 11. When her outer garments were removed, there was the petticoat of crimson velvet with the bright embroidered flames dancing upon it.
- 当她脱下大衣之后,里面是一件深红色的衬裙,上面绣着的明亮火焰仿佛在跳舞。
- 12. He told some lies and sometimes just embroidered the truth.
- 他说了些谎话,有时候只不过是渲染了一下事实。
- 13. In ancient China, people embroidered on dresses.
- 在中国古代,人们在衣服上刺绣。
- 14. Have your mom or grandma ever made embroidered clothes for you?
- 你的妈妈或奶奶给你做过带刺绣的衣服吗?
- 15. People in the past often embroidered on handkerchiefs, bed covers and dresses.
- 以前,人们经常在手帕、床单和衣服上刺绣。
- 16. The images of tigers on the shoes were embroidered according to paper-cutting patterns.
- 鞋上的老虎图案是根据剪纸图案刺绣的。
- 17. The embroidered designs were based on paper-cuts, the most well-known of them was from Bao Jun, a paper cutting master.
- 刺绣的设计以剪纸为基础,其中最为著名的是剪纸大师包钧的作品。
- 18. In the Qing Dynasty, because of the economic development, the people of Yangzhou became interested in wearing fine clothing, especially embroidered clothing.
- 在清代,由于经济的发展,扬州人开始对穿精致的服装产生兴趣,尤其是刺绣服装。
- 19. In the past, Chinese people often embroidered on hats, shoes and dresses to show the beauty of nature or the best wishes to others.
- 在过去,中国人经常在帽子、鞋子和裙子上刺绣,以显示大自然的美丽或对他人的美好祝愿。
- 20. Wait-what's that embroidered on your socks?
- 不过先等等——你那袜子上绣的是啥玩意啊?
- 21. She embroidered silver stars on her blue dress.
- 她把银星绣在她的蓝衣服上。
- 22. Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge?
- 你看见那个佩戴刺绣的徽记的好人了吗?
- 23. One sold exquisite crocheted and embroidered fabrics.
- 其中有一个卖的是精美的钩织品和绣品。
- 24. Now it is embroidered on the sitting place of these jeans.
- 现在居然绣在牛仔裤的后面。
- 25. The uppers were embroidered with silver, gold or pewter wire.
- 鞋面用银、金或铅锡合金的金属丝装饰。
- 26. One evening she was staring vacantly at an embroidered hanging.
- 一天晚上,她茫然地凝视着一张挂毯。
- 27. Kimiko Date-Krumm's name embroidered racquet bag: 325, 800 yen.
- 刺有伊达公子名字的球拍袋:325,800日元。
- 28. Please have a look at the hand embroidered one with a new design of bamboo.
- 请看这块手绣的有新式竹子图案的台布。
- 29. She kept her eyes upon the embroidered figure and saw it consumed by the fire.
- 她目不转睛地盯着刺绣上的人物,直到她们完全被火焰吞噬。
- 30. She kept her eyes upon the embroidered figure and saw it consumed by the fire.
- 她目不转睛地盯着刺绣上的人物,直到她们完全被火焰吞噬。