- 1. Ideas informed by the glacial drumlin landscape where I live are combined with those gleaned from explorations of the eroded rock surfaces of local beaches.
- 我将我所居住的冰川地带使我产生的想法与探索当地海滩的风化岩石表面所产生的想法相融合。
- 2. It comes from the experience of and connection to the place where I live. The glacial-formed 'drumlin' landscape and the rocky shoreline, where the land meets the sea.
- 这一灵感来源于我的经历以及我所居住的地方——冰块结构的冰丘景观与岩石海岸线(在此地面与海水相接)。
- 3. It comes from the experience of and connection to the place where I live. The glacial-formed 'drumlin' landscape and the rocky shoreline, where the land meets the sea.
- 这一灵感来源于我的经历以及我所居住的地方——冰块结构的冰丘景观与岩石海岸线(在此地面与海水相接)。