- 1. Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers.
- 阿瑟•C. 克拉克是科幻小说作家中的老前辈。
- 2. Even Harvard Business School, the doyen of the industry, now teaches programmes in China and India.
- 连行业翘楚哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School),如今也在中国和印度开设了项目。
- 3. But the case made out by the Research Department's doyen, Alistair Cooke, is that it was the seedbed of Tory social concern.
- 不过,研究部元老级人物,阿里斯泰尔·库克曾指出,该部一直是保守党社会关切的苗床。
- 4. According to Pieter Tans, the doyen of the field at NOAA, the country currently has 17 or 18, so that will improve things by a factor of four.
- 据NOAA的元老级人物彼得。坦斯称,美国目前为止有17,18台,所以增加的监测器可增加到原来的4倍。
- 5. This approach (which Geoffrey Hinton of the University of Toronto, a doyen of the field, has dubbed "deep learning") need not be confined to computer-vision.
- 这种方法被这个领域内的资深科学家,多伦多大学的GeoffreyHinton称为“深度学习”(见注释5),它不必仅限于处理计算机视觉问题。
- 6. Mr Nye is everything that Mr Khanna might wish one day to become: doyen of Harvard foreign-policy analysts, elite Washington public-servant, celebrated author.
- 肯纳先生很可能希望有朝一日能够成为像奈先生那样的人:哈佛外国政策评论界的老前辈、华盛顿公共服务界的中坚力量、也是著名的作家。
- 7. John Logsdon, the doyen of American space studies, takes a more generous view in his new book (" John F. Kennedy and the Race to the Moon ", Palgrave Macmillan).
- 美国空间研究元老,约翰劳杰斯特则在他的新书中提出了更大胆的观点(约翰·肯尼迪和登月竞赛,帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦)。
- 8. Poet and a journalist. He was a doyen journalist of China News Agency to work in the United States. He is now the director of Fujian Branch of China News Agency.
- 徐德金,中新社记者,诗人,曾任中新社驻美国首席记者,现任中新社福建分社社长。
- 9. The doyen of Ethiopian jazz men is Mulatu Astatke, now 66, who used to pide his time between Britain, America and his home country, drawing inspiration from all three.
- 埃塞俄比亚爵士之父穆拉图·阿斯塔特克今年66岁高龄。他的一生大部分时间都是在英国、美国和埃塞俄比亚度过,其音乐灵感也来自这三个地方。
- 10. Steve Weinberg, a doyen of particle physics who was one of the Model's architects, has described neutrino mass as the most important discovery in particle physics for a quarter of a century.
- 粒子物理学的资深研究者——史蒂夫·温伯格,他也是标准模型的创建者之一,称中微子质量的发现是四分之一个世纪以来,粒子物理学界最重要的发现。
- 11. Steve Weinberg, a doyen of particle physics who was one of the Model's architects, has described neutrino mass as the most important discovery in particle physics for a quarter of a century.
- 粒子物理学的资深研究者——史蒂夫·温伯格,他也是标准模型的创建者之一,称中微子质量的发现是四分之一个世纪以来,粒子物理学界最重要的发现。