- 1. What should make me down-hearted?
- 什么会让我情绪消沉呢?
- 2. Sheila felt down-hearted when she failed to pass her audition.
- 没有通过试唱,希拉感到很沮丧。
- 3. Anyway, if you feel down-hearted, just think of all the beautiful girls that we're going to meet when we become famous field researchers.
- 无论如何,假如你心灰意冷,只要想想当我们成为闻名的野外实地考察员时就会见到各种各样的漂亮姑娘,心情自然会好的。
- 4. I have a permanent smile on my face, and I'm light-hearted and easygoing about everything at work. It seems nothing can get me down.
- 我的脸上总是带著笑容,心情轻松自在,对工作的事也都很随和,好像没有任何事会打乱我的好心情。
- 5. Father Christmas is a very kind hearted man. He lands on top of each house all over the world and climbs down the chimney.
- 圣诞老人是一个热心肠的人。他降临在世界上每家的房顶上,从烟囱里下来。 收藏。
- 6. Not long after that, both of these hard-hearted soldiers came down with some strange sickness the doctors couldn't cure, and before the next migration of the wild geese, both men were dead and buried.
- 不久,这两个士兵就得了一些让医生束手无策的怪病,在第二年雁迁徙前,两人都死了。
- 7. But with their teasing, good-hearted acceptance of a stranger from Berkeley, the people I met in Louisiana showed me that, in human terms, the wall can easily come down.
- 但我在路易斯安那州所遇到的人们,用他们的幽默和热心肠接纳了我一个从伯克利到来的陌生人,向我证明了从人性角度讲,这座墙可以被轻松地瓦解。
- 8. Heaven never lets hardworkers and kind-hearted people down.
- 皇天不负好心人。皇天不负苦心人。
- 9. A kind-hearted maid of the Heavenly Palace went down to the world hurriedly and told everybody about the news.
- 天宫里一位好心的宫女赶快来到人间,把这个消息告诉了大家。
- 10. Indeed my mother is a warm-hearted person. She has vigor and enthusiasm to help others and never turn people's help down. So she has a good popularity towards the neighborhood.
- 事实上我的母亲很善良,她精力充沛,富有热情,乐善好施,很少拒绝对别人的帮助,并且在邻里中也颇具人缘。
- 11. Indeed my mother is a warm-hearted person. She has vigor and enthusiasm to help others and never turn people's help down. So she has a good popularity towards the neighborhood.
- 事实上我的母亲很善良,她精力充沛,富有热情,乐善好施,很少拒绝对别人的帮助,并且在邻里中也颇具人缘。