- 1. Make up for inheritance and donative securities tax blank;
- 弥补继承与赠与有价证券税收方面的空白;
- 2. The donative contract is typical contract in the Civil Law.
- 在大陆法系各国民法中,赠与都是重要的有名合同。
- 3. Dealing with donative when must want to pass notarial branch notarization.
- 在办理赠与时,是必须要经过公证部门公证的。
- 4. Dealing with donative when, must want to pass notarial branch notarization.
- 在办理赠与时,是必须要经过公证部门公证的。
- 5. Please donative me a young, let me during the long time take good care of him .
- 请赠与我一个少年,让我在漫长的时光中好好爱护他。
- 6. Those who add obligation is donative unlike general donative be one kind special donative .
- 附义务的赠与不同于一般的赠与,是一种非凡的赠与。
- 7. Those who add obligation is donative unlike general donative, be one kind special donative.
- 附义务的赠与不同于一般的赠与,是一种非凡的赠与。
- 8. This Article proposes a "donative theory" as an alternative rationale for the charitable exemption.
- 本文建议将“捐赠性理论”作为慈善性免税的一种替代理念。
- 9. It is donative person gives his belongings free suffer give a person suffer give a person to express to accept donative contract.
- 是赠与人将自己的财产无偿给予受赠人,受赠人表示接受赠与的合同。
- 10. If you will come even will donative the house property that come sells it is normal to will be pressed secondhand revenue of pay of house property formalities.
- 假如你将来还要将赠与来的房产出售,将要按正常的二手房产手续缴纳税收。
- 11. If you will come even will donative the house property that come sells, it is normal to will be pressed secondhand revenue of pay of house property formalities.
- 假如你将来还要将赠与来的房产出售,将要按正常的二手房产手续缴纳税收。
- 12. She thought WangXiaoGong completely not feel her painstaking, will this home of the ancestral bracelet literally donative other, cant help a qualm in the heart.
- 她以为王小红全然没有体会她的苦心,将这娘家祖传的镯子随便赠与他人,不禁心中一阵酸楚。
- 13. If the donative contract doesn′t depend on the law condition, and look it as practical contract factitious, then it will influence "contract law" of the No. 189 in China.
- 如果将赠与合同无法律依据、人为地视为实践合同,将造成我国《合同法》第189条在司法实践中无法适用的后果。
- 14. Article 22 Donation Management When conducting donative sports contests, the sponsor must report the revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds to the MPCSC for approval.
- 第二十二条(募捐性收入的处理)举办募捐性体育竞赛,举办人应当将竞赛经费收支预算报市体委批准。
- 15. Any other unit or inpidual must not draw any remuneration from the revenue. Conducting social-welfare donative sports contests must be approved by the civil affairs department.
- 其他任何单位和个人不得从中提取报酬。其中,举办社会福利募捐性体育竞赛,应当经民政部门核准。
- 16. However, in latter-day China, poverty of the country and penury of its people, and lack of communal awareness of the society became the key restrictive factors of the donative effects.
- 但是,近代中国的国贫民穷和社会公共意识缺乏,成为制约募捐效果的主要因素。
- 17. However, in latter-day China, poverty of the country and penury of its people, and lack of communal awareness of the society became the key restrictive factors of the donative effects.
- 但是,近代中国的国贫民穷和社会公共意识缺乏,成为制约募捐效果的主要因素。