- 1. On humans, wide faces are associated with dominance.
- 在人类身上,宽面与统治力有关。
- 2. The dominance of television was not confined to our living rooms.
- 电视的主导地位并不局限于我们的起居室。
- 3. The change presaged the dominance of mounted combat, and increasingly expensive equipment destroyed the venerable ideal of freeman warriors.
- 这一变化预示着骑马作战的主导地位,日益昂贵的装备摧毁了自由人战士的崇高理想。
- 4. As powerful inpiduals vied for influence and dominance at court, the general welfare was often sacrificed to private rivalries and ambitions.
- 在权贵于法庭之上为影响力和主导权而斗争时,他们的私人恩怨和纷争往往会给公众福利带来损失。
- 5. Brain scientists call this effect "asymmetric dominance" and it means that people gravitate toward the choice nearest a clearly inferior option.
- 大脑科学家称这种效应为“不对称优势”,指人们倾向选择一个与明显更差的选项程度较为接近的一个选项。
- 6. Diamond interprets them as power displays by rival chieftains who, trapped on a remote little island, lacked other ways of asserting their dominance.
- 戴蒙德将其解释为敌对酋长的权力展示,他们被困在一个偏远的小岛上,没有其他方式可以维护自己的统治地位。
- 7. Michigan's dominance in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to replace our leadership in transportation.
- 密歇根州在汽车研发方面的主导地位受到几个州和国家的威胁,这些州和国家希望取代我们在交通领域的领导地位。
- 8. The growing dominance of secondary earners among the unemployed and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably relieved the consequences of joblessness.
- 中等收入者在失业人群中的主导地位日益增强,加上社会福利保障的改善无疑缓解了失业带来的后果。
- 9. While eye contact may be a sign of connection or trust in friendly situations, it's more likely to be associated with dominance or intimidation in adversarial situations.
- 在友好的情境中,眼神交流可能是一种联结或信任的标志,而在敌对的情况下,它更倾向于与支配或恐吓联系在一起。
- 10. They wanted the wealth that the market offered without the competitive, changing society; the complex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that came with it.
- 他们想要的市场提供的财富,要没有竞争激烈又不断变化的社会;复杂的处理问题;城市中心的主导地位;以及随之而来的独立性的丧失。
- 11. An overview of some research into lateralisation: the dominance of one side of the body over the other creatures across the animal kingdom have a preference for one foot, eye or even antenna.
- 有关侧化的一些研究的概述:在动物界中,身体一侧对其他生物的支配通常是由一只脚、一只眼睛,甚至是一根触角来完成的。
- 12. The latest fighting appears to be an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.
- 最近的战斗似乎是冲突各方在试图争夺控制权。
- 13. France's dominance goes far beyond perfumes; just think of Dassault Falcon private jets and Catana yachts.
- 法国的主导地位远远不止是在香水方面;还包括达索猎鹰喷气飞机以及卡塔纳豪华游艇。
- 14. We have got used to expansion and dominance.
- 我们必须习惯资源的膨胀和支配。
- 15. English dominance will also be assured by Chinese’s difficulty for foreigners.
- 外国人学习汉语的困难度亦将确保英语的主宰地位。
- 16. In placing visual elements for effective composition, one must assess many factors including color, dominance, size and balance together with proportion.
- 要想得到令人印象深刻的构图,在安排视觉要素时,人们必须考虑各种因素,包括色彩、支配、尺寸并使这些因素比例平衡。
- 17. While cost savings may prove a motivating factor, it is moving away from American dominance of the software market that is helping to push them towards OSS.
- 虽然节省费用可以证明是一个激励因素,但是,正是摆脱美国支配的软件市场这一点促使他们走向OSS。
- 18. Because of the enemy's dominance of the terrain and potential for loss of additional lives, the patrol was forced to use its second CCP and two MEDVACs.
- 因为游击队很熟悉地形,为了避免更多的生命损失,巡逻队被迫使用第二伤亡收集点以及两架伤员转运直升机。
- 19. Beijing sees Washington (at best) as "neither friend nor enemy", while the US has belatedly woken up to China's challenge to its dominance in the Pacific.
- 北京方面(顶多)把华盛顿看作“非敌非友”,美国则大梦初醒地意识到,中国在太平洋地区对其主宰地位构成了挑战。
- 20. Nonetheless, his dominance and that of his Popolzai tribe has created grievances among both ordinary people and other tribal leaders, particularly the Ghilzai.
- 尽管如此,他和他那些波波扎伊部族成员的支配已经在普通民众和其他部族长老中造成了不满,尤其是吉尔·扎伊族人。
- 21. You say that Apple CEO Steve Jobs didn't need to turn Microsoft into a Harvard Business School case study in how a company could squander market dominance?
- 你说苹果公司CEO史蒂夫乔布斯没有必要把微软变成哈佛商学院,专案研究公司是如何打断市场垄断?
- 22. There are countless business stories where a failure to confront brutal facts has resulted in lost market dominance, bankruptcy, and other reversals of fortune.
- 有无数的组织在面对严酷的事实失败的故事,如失去市场优势,破产,和其它财富的逆转。
- 23. This type of breach takes place for no apparent reason, although it is speculated that it could have some form of social function of communication or dominance.
- 这种跳跃虽没有明显的动机,但人们猜测它可能是某种沟通或优势地位等社交功能的表现形式。
- 24. American and British universities maintain their dominance of the chart this year, with the U.S. occupying 6 of the top 10 spots and the rest awarded to the UK.
- 今年,美国和英国的高校继续在排行榜上占据支配地位,美国占据了前10名中的6席,剩下的都授予了英国高校。
- 25. However, the wolves on which biologists founded their conclusions about dominance hierarchies were animals living in unnaturally constituted groups in captivity.
- 然而生物学家所得出的关于狼群统治和阶级的结论是基于一些个案,即如果动物生活在并非其天生所属的群体里,就会被当成俘虏对待。
- 26. Despite the factions' struggle for dominance, the balance of power in the world remains largely the same, but sometimes things happen that can tip the scales.
- 尽管各派势力依然在争夺主导权,但世界范围的权利依然大致是平衡的,但某些事件的发生能够颠覆这种平衡。
- 27. Despite the factions' struggle for dominance, the balance of power in the world remains largely the same, but sometimes things happen that can tip the scales.
- 尽管各派势力依然在争夺主导权,但世界范围的权利依然大致是平衡的,但某些事件的发生能够颠覆这种平衡。