- 1. She was determined not to be too discouraged.
- 她下了决心不要太气馁。
- 2. She was totally discouraged.
- 她完全泄气了。
- 3. She felt discouraged in her college because of her bad luck.
- 因为运气不好,她在大学里感到灰心丧气。
- 4. Aren't you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making?
- 你的员工进展这么缓慢,你不感到气馁吗?
- 5. She nearly made a hole in my head just now, but we must not get discouraged.
- 她刚才差点把我的脑袋打了个洞,但我们不能气馁。
- 6. He well knew the futility of trying to contend against witches, so he gave up discouraged.
- 他深知与女巫斗争是徒劳无益的,所以他灰心丧气地放弃了。
- 7. The failure was a big blow to him, but he wasn't discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.
- 这次失败对他是一个巨大的打击,但他没有气馁,很快又恢复了热情。
- 8. After discovering how resourceful she can be in tough times, Cindy is no longer easily discouraged.
- 发现她在困难时期是多么足智多谋后,辛迪不再轻易气馁。
- 9. He was beginning to feel discouraged, his strength was leaving him, and his breathing was becoming more and more labored.
- 他开始感到泄气了,他的力气正在消失,他呼吸越来越费劲。
- 10. Children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage.
- 出于健康和安全方面的考虑,担心会弄脏或受伤,孩子们经常被劝阻不要接触自然界。
- 11. The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.
- 研究认为,男孩通常在男女混合学校的表现不好,因为当其女性同龄人比他们更快地在口语和阅读技能上做得更好时,他们会灰心。
- 12. But children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage.
- 但出于健康和安全方面的考虑,担心它们会弄脏或造成损害,孩子们经常被劝阻不要接触自然空间。
- 13. The weather discouraged people from attending.
- 这天气使得人们不愿意出席。
- 14. Don't be discouraged by the first failure—try again!
- 不要因第一次失败就灰心丧气—再试一次吧!
- 15. Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.
- 早婚早育在那里不再遭到反对了。
- 16. They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.
- 他们被劝不要同外国人成为密友。
- 17. Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.
- 如果练习太难,学习者就可能感到很没信心。
- 18. Modestly, so as not to become discouraged.
- 要谦虚,以免变得气馁。
- 19. Yet instead of being discouraged by my slow progress, I was excited.
- 然而,我非但没有因进步缓慢而气馁,反而感到兴奋。
- 20. Can our planet afford to have any great thinkers become discouraged and give up?
- 我们的星球能承受任何伟大的思想家变得气馁和放弃吗?
- 21. They often feel discouraged long before trying to solve the problem, even if small.
- 他们经常在尝试解决问题之前就早早感到气馁,即使问题很小。
- 22. "Whenever I got tired or discouraged, I would remember something my mother always told me," she said.
- 她说:“每当我感到疲倦或气馁时,我就会想起妈妈经常告诉我的一些事情。”
- 23. Although he went through a hard time, the farmer never became discouraged from achieving his goal—providing his village with a clean water source.
- 尽管经历了一段艰难的时期,这位农民在实现他的目标时从未气馁——为他的村庄提供干净的水源。
- 24. Clara tried to set her feet forward, but got discouraged.
- 克拉拉试图迈出她的脚,但又缩了回去。
- 25. Professors should be discouraged from reading lecture notes.
- 不应该提倡教授念课堂讲义。
- 26. They searched everywhere once more, and then sat down discouraged.
- 他们又到处找了一遍,然后垂头丧气地坐了下来。
- 27. Imitated Burberry products discouraged luxury consumers from buying its genuine products.
- 仿冒的博柏利产品让奢侈品消费者不敢购买正品。
- 28. When asked what they want to do, they should be discouraged from saying "I have no idea".
- 当被问及以后想干什么时,他们应该尽量少用“我不知道”来回答。
- 29. I think most of us would be discouraged if we had to face challenges and difficulties like that.
- 我想,如果我们不得不面对这样的挑战和困难,我们大多数人都会感到气馁。
- 30. If you allow yourself to be discouraged by current obstacles, you might not have great achievements.
- 如果受阻于眼前的困难而踯躅不前,那你可能无法取得成就。