- 1. "There will always be die-hard foodies who will fly to Copenhagen to taste them," Murphy said.
- 莫非说:“总是会有一些铁杆美食爱好者千里迢迢地飞往哥本哈根去品尝美食。”
- 2. The dish can convert even the most die-hard bean-curd sceptics, says Ms. Dunlop, speaking from experience.
- 扶霞说,即便是最不喜欢吃豆腐的顽固分子也会因麻婆豆腐而改变看法。这话是经验之谈。
- 3. Most Twitter users, if they aren’t die-hard users of the Web interface, have their own favorite desktop client.
- 对于Twitter用户而言,如果他们不是顽固的网页界面支持者,都有自己的钟爱的桌面Twitter客户机程序。
- 4. Die-hard Apple fans could well account for the bulk of the more than 300,000 customers who bought iPads on Saturday.
- 在周六购买iPad的30万人中,可能大多数都是苹果的铁杆粉丝。
- 5. Die-hard Apple fans could well account for the bulk of the more than 300, 000 customers who bought iPads on Saturday.
- 在周六购买iPad的30万人中,可能大多数都是苹果的铁杆粉丝。
- 6. For they, according to Fisher, tend to keep their emotions under lock and key, while I'm much more of a die-hard romantic.
- 因为根据费雪理论,这种类型的人往往将自己的情绪暗藏深锁起来,而我却是一个崇尚浪漫的人。
- 7. Sure, die-hard readers will scoff at the notion that color could enhance the experience of reading plain text, and they’d be right.
- 当然,顽固的阅读者们会对那种‘色彩能提高阅读文本体验’的概念嗤之以鼻,而且他们也确实没错。
- 8. From couch potato to die-hard royalist, we've put together a guide of the best vantage points for every type of wedding watcher in London.
- 带着电视迷和铁杆保皇党,我们一起来找找在伦敦观看这场皇家婚礼的最好视角。
- 9. Die-hard fans come straight to this megasite for scores, schedules and analysis, then hang around for the video highlights, games and podcasts.
- 铁杆粉丝直接登录该大型网站来浏览比分、赛程和分析,进而浏览视频集锦、比赛及播客。
- 10. And while most of them can look forward to a fun time, a new study suggests that some die-hard fans will get more excitement than they bargained for.
- 大部分球迷可能在期待着一个快乐的时刻,一项最新调查也发现,一些铁杆粉丝将会得到比他们所期待的更多的激情。
- 11. Most of the code in Listing 2 is pretty easy to follow even if you aren't a die-hard Lisp developer — especially if you can learn to read inside-out.
- 即使您不是熟练的Lisp开发人员,也能轻松读懂清单2中的大多数代码 — 您可以学着从内向外读。
- 12. By the end of the novel, the reader sees that there is not one Alejandro Mayta, but many: Mayta the die-hard romantic, equally eager to worship God and Marx;
- 在这本小说的尾声,读者会看到亚力康德罗·马艾塔不止一个,而有许多个:本性浪漫、对神明和马克思同样信奉的马艾塔;
- 13. But some die-hard e-reader fans like Len Edgerly, who hosts the weekly Kindle Chronicles podcast, say pretty e-books aren’t as big a draw as some would think.
- 不过像LenEdgerly这样的一些铁杆电子书阅读器粉丝表示,漂亮的电子书并不是像有些人想象的那样具有很大的吸引力。 Len是一个Kindle周刊播客的主持人。
- 14. It's hard to think of many actresses, even those die-hard professionals raised inside the old studio bubbles, who could have weathered such an impossible burden.
- 很难去想这么多女演员,甚至那些旧制片厂肥皂泡里升起来的死硬专业人士中,有谁能经得起如此不可承受之重。
- 15. The same goes for those die-hard technology-oriented investors who are fondly remembering the Internet boom, and who are therefore hoping for a replay of the go-go years of the late 1990s.
- 那些依然留恋因特网繁荣的历史并希望再次发生上世纪90年代一帆风顺的投机的对科技板块一往情深的投资人也需要深思。
- 16. A statement like that is liable to send die-hard the Power of Now readers reeling off their meditation cushions, stupefied. His point, I believe, was that the "present" is still a time-based referent.
- 这样的说法会把座在冥想蒲团上滔滔不绝地讲现在的力量的铁杆读者给搞蒙了,我相信,是说“现在”仍然基于时间。
- 17. Remember, "old habits die hard".
- 记住,“旧习难改”。
- 18. Those who wear them wear them religiously and are die hard wearers of their shoes until they have a hole on the sole, which is a wonderful excuse to go out and buy another new funky pair.
- 那些顽固的框威穿客,他们通常要等到鞋底穿破个洞,才给自己个借口再去买一双。
- 19. As the saying goes, "old habits die hard", our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.
- 正如俗话所说:本性难移,我们认真的努力要改掉它却总以失败告终。
- 20. While it is widely accepted that an effective process is important today, old habits die hard.
- 当今天人们已广泛接受搞笑过程是重要的这一观点的时候,旧有习惯依然难以改变。
- 21. Old habits, it seems, die hard. For Mahle – who spent 14 years undercover – is a spy no longer.
- 这是马勒的老习惯,对于花了14年从事间谍工作,现在却不是间谍了的她,这个老习惯貌似很难改正。
- 22. Old instincts die hard.
- 古老的本能是很难消失的。
- 23. I am still learning and I still get things wrong (old habits die hard), but one thing I do know is that negative behaviours aren't written in stone.
- 虽然在这条路上,我仍然还只是一个正在努力学习的人,有的时候还会碰到屡不清事情原委的时候(可能是旧习惯顽固不化作怪),但有一点我是知道的,那就是消极情绪永远不会刻碑立传。
- 24. Old habits die hard, and one of the oldest - still rigorously enforced by many drivers - is that "warming up" the car for a few minutes is necessary to avoid some kind of unspecified damage.
- 老习惯总是很顽固,在那些最老的习惯中,有一个直到现在还被许多司机严格执行的习惯,就是认为有必要将车辆预热几分钟,以避免某些未明的损害。
- 25. One of the biggest misconceptions in sportsis that the fans in the stands are the only die hard fans, when sometimes, the“true” fans are stuck watching the game at home.
- 体育行业其中一个重大错误观念,是认为只有那些站在球场的才是死硬“粉丝”,有时候,那些坐在家中盯紧电视的才是“真正粉丝”。
- 26. But for some, old habits die hard, it seems.
- 但对于某些人,看起来老习惯难改。
- 27. As die hard MMA fans, there are several bouts that we are all craving to see, right? If you had your choice, what are the ten fights you would want to see this year?
- 作为忠实的MMA爱好者,我们都有渴望看到的对决,如果由你来安排,你会选择哪十场比赛作为你今年心目中的巅峰对决呢?
- 28. If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard.
- 倘若是这种情形,很有可能这些想法是错误的,你也很难改掉。
- 29. If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard.
- 倘若是这种情形,很有可能这些想法是错误的,你也很难改掉。