- 1. These difficulties have been overcome without detriment to performance.
- 这些困难已经被克服了,且没有损害到表演。
- 2. He was engrossed in his job to the detriment of his health.
- 他全身心地投入工作结果损害了他的健康。
- 3. These tests will give too much importance to written exams to the detriment of other skills.
- 这些测试会太侧重于书面考核而有损于其他技能。
- 4. We should study all these subjects equally well and not stress English to the detriment of the rest.
- 这几门功课都要学好,不能只偏重英语。
- 5. That would prolong the crisis to the detriment of all.
- 如此一来将会延长危机对所有成员国的损害。
- 6. Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others.
- 在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。
- 7. E-mail and instant messaging aren't to workers' detriment?
- E - mail和即时信息不会损害工作的健康?
- 8. He loves them to the detriment of artistic moderation. "other."
- 他对他们的喜爱已经到了有损于艺术性的地步。
- 9. And in fact, in a TV series emotions are often seen as a detriment.
- 事实上,在电视剧中,拥有情感通常是弊端。
- 10. American antitrust officials worry this is to the detriment of the consumer.
- 美国反托拉斯官员担忧这样会对消费者不利。
- 11. Sometimes instead of using something for our benefit, we use it to our detriment.
- 并不是所有事情为我们所以都会使我们获益,有些时候则恰恰相反。
- 12. This should boost carmakers and related firms, to the detriment of Japan's famed railways.
- 这一计划将提振汽车生产商及相关企业,却会对日本著名的铁路业造成损害。
- 13. In some cases, and to the detriment of their long-suffering societies, they will succeed.
- 在某些情况下,对于长期忍受的社会苦难来说,他们会成功。
- 14. Is Washington afraid he will be too soft on his Wall Street buddies to the detriment of the taxpayer?
- 华盛顿是不是担心他会对昔日的华尔街同事心软,从而做出损害纳税人的事情?
- 15. In these cases of conflicting ends, furthermore, one group's "efficiency" becomes another group's detriment.
- 此外,在这些目的冲突的例子里,一个群体的“效率”成为另一个群体的损害。
- 16. What can you do to present your age in a way that elevates your personal brand instead of being a detriment?
- 在表达自己的年龄的时候,你可以做哪些事情来提升个人品牌而非成为不利因素呢?
- 17. It is easy to forget to use a finally block to release the lock, to the great detriment of your program.
- 您很容易忘记用finally块释放锁,这对程序非常有害。
- 18. Other rules are a bit clearer, but are still being ignored to the detriment of the application developer.
- 其他规则稍微清楚一点,但对应用程序开发者可能产生的不利后果仍被忽略。
- 19. These brilliant Princeton kids were rushing to the equivalent of payday lenders, to their own long-term detriment.
- 这些普林斯顿大学的骄子们都无意识地被拉入了如同发薪日贷款一般的陷阱,这种陷阱带来的损害是永无止境的。
- 20. Should we value processes and tools more, and if so, should it be at the detriment of inpiduals and interactions?
- 我们是不是应该更重视流程和工具?如果是的话,这是否会损害个体和交互?
- 21. If you have a minority opinion, why should the system be changed to suit you to the detriment of everyone else?
- 如果你的意见只是少数,为什么系统要为了迎合你而改变,做出令其他人不满意的意见呢?
- 22. The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act placed all the emphasis on math and reading, to the detriment of foreign language.
- 2001年《不让一个孩子掉队法案》将全部的重点放在数学和阅读上,而对外国语言的教学则措施不力。
- 23. In today's world, having a commerce site that doesn't have user ratings could actually prove to be a detriment to sales.
- 当今,如果一个商业网站没有user ratings(用户评级),这将切实地损害其销售额。
- 24. I have written in the past about prima donna developers like Tyler who ignored the rules to the detriment of the team.
- 我过去曾在写下文章批评过不顾原则而危及团队整体的某些首席开发人员,就象泰勒这样的。
- 25. You feel that your mind has broken any control and barriers, and that it is working on its own, sometimes to your detriment.
- 你会感觉脑袋已经冲破障碍,完全不受支配了,而是自己任意活动,有时甚至给你造成伤害。
- 26. The so-called detriment of stress is the psychological interpretation you place on critical situations, not the stress itself.
- 所谓的压力损伤是处于危急关头的心理学解释,不是压力本身。
- 27. I still stand by that, but sometimes taking too much care of your items can also be a detriment to your time, energy and wallet.
- 我仍然坚持说,但是有时候对你的事务关心过多会浪费你的时间,精力和金钱。
- 28. Forcing them to disclose information would impair their incentive to uncover and correct market inefficiencies, to the detriment of all.
- 强迫他们揭开信息会削弱他们发现和纠正市场无效率的动力,这会对全部造成伤害。
- 29. If we try to promote French, to the detriment of English, you may prevent people having access to the latest information and findings.
- 如果我们试图推广使用法语,而不是使用英语,那就可能妨碍人们获取最新信息和结论。
- 30. If we try to promote French, to the detriment of English, you may prevent people having access to the latest information and findings.
- 如果我们试图推广使用法语,而不是使用英语,那就可能妨碍人们获取最新信息和结论。