- 1. Inside the tote bag deputies found a gun case, designed and manufactured to resemble a hardbound book, containing a single-shot Colt derringer.
- 于是,机场警察打开她的皮箱,发现里面有一个设计得像一本精装书的盒子,盒子里里面有一支单发的柯尔特式大口径自动手枪。
- 2. “It looks brutal to creditors but this is often the subject of pre-negotiation,” says Alan Mason of the Paris office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer, a corporate-law firm.
- “这对债权人似乎很残忍,但通常是预备谈判阶段的主题”,富尔德律师事务所(FreshfieldsBruckhausDerringer,一家公司法律师事务所)巴黎办公室的阿兰•马森(Alan Mason)说。
- 3. “It looks brutal to creditors but this is often the subject of pre-negotiation,” says Alan Mason of the Paris office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer, a corporate-law firm.
- “这对债权人似乎很残忍,但通常是预备谈判阶段的主题”,富尔德律师事务所(FreshfieldsBruckhausDerringer,一家公司法律师事务所)巴黎办公室的阿兰•马森(Alan Mason)说。