- 1. Select Dequeue and then click Get message.
- 选择Dequeue,然后单击Getmessage。
- 2. Process must first dequeue a message to obtain the credit.
- 进程必须首先将一条信息出列去获得这个信任。
- 3. A pipe is composed of a queue and two file descriptors-one to enqueue data and the other to dequeue data.
- 管道由一个队列和两个文件描述符(一个用于数据入列,另一个用于数据出列)组成。
- 4. Messages are stored in queues, and MQ servers allow you to enqueue messages onto queues, and dequeue messages from them.
- 消息存储在队列里,MQ服务器允许您将消息加入到队列以及从队列中取走消息。
- 5. Next, you want to select the enqueue, dequeue, and create BAPIs for your transaction, so you'll set a filter and select them.
- 接下来,需要为事务选择队列、取消排队和创建BAPI,因此需要设置筛选器并选择它们。
- 6. This means when you dequeue a cell for reuse, the constraints have already been added and are ready to go for that cell type.
- 这意味着,当你出队重用,约束已经添加单元格,并准备去该细胞类型。
- 7. One of our engineers changed the dequeue algorithm to batch dequeues for transmit, drop the queue lock, and then transmit the batched packets.
- 我们当中的一位工程师修改了出队算法,实现了传输的批量出队,去掉了队列锁,然后批量传送数据包。
- 8. At that point, the system changes from asynchronous behavior to synchronous behavior, where the producer can enqueue messages only as fast as the consumer can dequeue them.
- 当队列满员时,系统从异步行为切换到同步行为,这时,消息生成者生成消息的速度只能与消息使用者使用消息的速度一样快。
- 9. At that point, the system changes from asynchronous behavior to synchronous behavior, where the producer can enqueue messages only as fast as the consumer can dequeue them.
- 当队列满员时,系统从异步行为切换到同步行为,这时,消息生成者生成消息的速度只能与消息使用者使用消息的速度一样快。