- 1. The pine has been described extensively, now hear from Me O Arjuna, of the demoniac.
- 我们已经详述了神性的品质,阿诸那啊,现在听我讲讲魔性的品质。
- 2. I had them both on their feet with the desperate suggestion that they help me make tea in the kitchen when the demoniac Finn brought it in on a tray.
- 我急中生智,建议他们帮我到厨房里去预备茶,他们俩立刻站了起来,正在这时那魔鬼般的芬兰女佣人用托盘把茶端了进来。
- 3. These bewildered fools of futile desires, futile endeavors, futile knowledge and futile understanding; certainly assume the nature of the atheistic and demoniac.
- 被迷惑了的愚人们,其求解脱的愿望,努力,求知和理解都是徒劳的,他们当然就会呈现无神论者和恶魔的本性。
- 4. These bewildered fools of futile desires, futile endeavors, futile knowledge and futile understanding; certainly assume the nature of the atheistic and demoniac.
- 被迷惑了的愚人们,其求解脱的愿望,努力,求知和理解都是徒劳的,他们当然就会呈现无神论者和恶魔的本性。