- 1. The house was rescued from demolition.
- 这所房子保住了,可以不拆。
- 2. The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago.
- 这些房子在五年前就确定要拆除了。
- 3. The project required the total demolition of the old bridge.
- 这项工程要求那座旧桥的彻底拆除。
- 4. In 1866, the construction of the North Wing of the Treasury Building necessitated the demolition of the State Department building.
- 1866年,由于财政部北翼的建设工程,亟需对国务院大楼进行拆除。
- 5. The factory is already marked down for demolition.
- 这家工厂已登记在案,准备拆除。
- 6. The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition.
- 整排房子均列入拆除计划。
- 7. His speech did a very effective demolition job on the government's proposals.
- 他的发言非常成功地驳倒了政府的提案。
- 8. He also played a villain opposite Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man (1992).
- 他在1992年的影片《超级战警》中扮演了一个与西尔维斯特·史泰龙敌对的反面主角。
- 9. People whose houses face demolition complain about stingy compensation.
- 那些可能面临房屋拆迁问题的人就抱怨补偿金太少。
- 10. You can't deny that the density of the area would make a demolition too risky.
- 不可否认这个地区的人口密度过大使得拆除工作风险很大。
- 11. Many are bereft at the mall's demolition, as though suffering the death of a pet.
- 随着商场的拆毁,好多随之失去,如同痛失爱宠。
- 12. This usually requires multiple attempts as you try different demolition strategies.
- 一般而言你需要尝试多种不同的破坏策略,试上个几遍才能过关。
- 13. Pry bar: Use it to dismantle framing, pull nails and remove moldings, and for demolition.
- 撬杆:用它来拆开框架,拨钉子和移走成型,并拆除。
- 14. These cities are exploring another bold solution to the surplus of vacant houses: demolition.
- 针对过剩的住房,这些城市正尝试另一个大胆的办法:拆除它们。
- 15. Some were muddled Luddites, others were angry locals whose houses were slated for demolition.
- 其中一些爱惹是生非的卢德份子,其他则是当地一些房屋面临拆迁的愤怒的居民。
- 16. She says the demolition could be today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. She does not know.
- 她说,拆除行动可能就在今天、明天或者后天,具体日期她无法得知。
- 17. That, too, is now partially buried and is scheduled for demolition over the next few years.
- 现在,它同样部分已被埋没,预计几年后爆破拆除。
- 18. Many years ago, a co-worker and I were sent to do some demolition as part of remodeling project.
- 多年以前,一个同事和我被派去做一些拆除工作,这些是作为改造项目的一部分的。
- 19. Brown's demolition of the myth that medieval people believed in a flat Earth is especially welcome.
- 布朗戳穿了中世纪人所认为地球是平坦的神话,这一点特别受到人们的欢迎。
- 20. A civic council set up by the Kremlin has now forced the demolition of houses in Rechnik to be suspended.
- 克里姆林宫设立的一家民事委员会强制要求中止正在发生的里芝柯拆迁行动。
- 21. The first phase was the demolition of a block of flats for the construction of condos, displacing the locals.
- 第一步是拆掉整个街区的公寓,以新建的独户公寓取代原先的本地住宅。
- 22. In some areas of the city, where there are fewer obvious imperatives to protect old buildings, demolition continues.
- 在城市的某些区域,老建筑的保护还没有提到日程表上来,破坏还在继续。
- 23. Risheq and other residents have been hoping to avert the demolition by applying for building permits and offering to pay fines.
- 艾伊达和其他居民希望能通过获得建筑许可并交纳罚金来改变拆迁的局面。
- 24. One day around 1950, as he passed a demolition site, he saw lying on the sidewalk the head of a cherub, cast in terra cotta.
- 1950年左右的一天,当他路过一座建筑的遗址时,他看到路旁躺着一个红土做的小天使的头。
- 25. performance on "Britain's Got Talent," has said in a television interview that her sudden fame was like a "demolition ball."
- 凭借在电视选秀节目《英国达人》中的惊人表现而成为国际明星的苏珊•波伊尔在一次电视访谈中说她的一夜成名就像是一个“毁灭之球”。
- 26. The Conservatives, led by David Cameron, will highlight the demolition of Gordon Brown's claim to have done away with boom and bust.
- 大卫·卡梅隆领导的保守党肯定会强调戈登·布朗声明的反对草率拆迁。
- 27. So badass that even when he plays a cop he gets the nickname Demolition Man because of all the damage his does while capturing bad guys.
- 劲爆到他饰演一名警察时都因为在逮捕坏蛋时造成的破坏而被称为“毁灭者”的地步。
- 28. “The demolition process started yesterday, ” said Howard N. Ellman, Mr. Jobs’s lawyer, confirming that the wrecking ball had swung on Monday.
- “拆除程序在昨天已经启动,”乔布斯的律师霍华德·埃尔曼(Howard N.Ellman)证实星期一拆房落锤破碎机已经开工。
- 29. “The demolition process started yesterday, ” said Howard N. Ellman, Mr. Jobs’s lawyer, confirming that the wrecking ball had swung on Monday.
- “拆除程序在昨天已经启动,”乔布斯的律师霍华德·埃尔曼(Howard N.Ellman)证实星期一拆房落锤破碎机已经开工。