- 1. "It really raises the question of what should be considered normal ageing," says Kenneth Manton, a demographer from Duke University in North Carolina.
- 北卡罗来纳州杜克大学人口统计学家肯尼斯·曼顿说:“这确实引发了一个问题,即什么是正常的老龄化。”
- 2. "Now, foreigners come to Hong Kong to build a life, " says Paul Yip, a demographer at the University of Hong Kong.
- “现在,外国人来香港建立他们的生活。”香港大学的人口统计学家PaulYip说。
- 3. The demographer will coordinate data collection and analysis on human settlements conditions.
- 这个人口统计学家将会整合这些数据并分析人类的居住条件。
- 4. One demographer has said the 300 millionth person would likely be a Latino boy given current U.S. population trends.
- 美国一位人口统计学家曾说,从目前美国的人口走势来看,这第三亿个人可能会是一个拉丁裔男婴。
- 5. One demographer has said the300 millionth person would likely be a Latino boy given current U. S. population trends.
- 曾说,从目前美国的人口走势来看,这第三亿个人可能会是一个拉丁裔男婴。
- 6. Joel Kotkin, a demographer, points out that California has always had fires during dry years, at least since the time of the Spaniards.
- 人口统计学家约尔·柯特金指出,加州在干旱年份总是有火灾,这至少始于西班牙人统治时期。
- 7. The new figure is six times the intermarriage rate of roughly 2% in 1960, says senior demographer Jeff Passel, the report's lead author.
- 这个新的数据六倍于1960年约2%的异族婚姻率。高级人口统计学家、该报告的主要作者JeffPassel如是说。
- 8. Brookings Institute demographer William Frey notes that the current economic downturn may have actually given these median income levels a boost.
- 布鲁斯金学会人口统计学家威廉,弗利表示,当前的经济不景气可能真的已经给这些收入中值水平一个提升。
- 9. A Norwegian demographer, Henrik Urdal, reckons a country's risk of conflict rises four percentage points for every one-point increase in the youth population.
- 挪威人口统计学家亨利克•厄达尔认为,一个国家的年轻人口每增长一个百分点,其发生冲突风险的几率就会提高4个百分点。
- 10. Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Pew Hispanic Centre, estimates that the number of illegal immigrants in America fell by 500,000 between 2007 and 2008.
- 皮尤西班牙裔研究中心(Pew Hispanic Centre)的人口学家杰弗里•帕赛尔(JeffreyPassel)预计2007至2008年间美国非法移民的数量下降了50万人。
- 11. The effects of the policy are debated, but for a leading Chinese demographer, the policy had postponed the arrival of the world population of 7 billion by at least five years.
- 这个政策的影响是受争议的,但是对于中国一名主要的人口统计学家来说,该政策使世界人口达到70亿推迟了5年才到来。
- 12. Now that preliminary results from both the Indian and Chinese censuses have come out, Census Bureau demographer Daniel Goodkind wrote in ane-mail, those projections "hold up fairly well."
- 在中印双方的初步数据都统计出来后,人口普查局的人口学家丹尼尔•古德坎(DanielGoodkind)在e-mail中写道,这些预测“相当准确”。
- 13. Now that preliminary results from both the Indian and Chinese censuses have come out, Census Bureau demographer Daniel Goodkind wrote in ane-mail, those projections "hold up fairly well."
- 在中印双方的初步数据都统计出来后,人口普查局的人口学家丹尼尔•古德坎(DanielGoodkind)在e-mail中写道,这些预测“相当准确”。