- 1. This was demagogy outsmarting itself.
- 这是弄巧反拙的煽动。
- 2. Election campaigns have always been riddled with demagogy and worse.
- 选举活动总是充斥了煽动和坏事。
- 3. That is the thing about demagogy: it can be charming, even dazzling, and that is what makes it all the more dangerous.
- 蛊惑人心的言论就是这样:它可以很迷人,甚至光芒四射,这正是它更危险的地方。
- 4. In this climate, Otto Frank was unable to get visas for his family members, who were victims in part of American paranoia, demagogy and indifference.
- 在此种氛围下,奥托·弗兰克无法取得签证,一家人遂成为美国人的善惊多疑、煽动民意与冷漠无情的受害者。
- 5. The majority of parents believe that the Chinese secondary school students now may not be able to achieve the acceptance of this and more parents say this is accused of demagogy.
- 家长们多数认为,中国现在的中学生不一定能达到这种接受程度,更有家长指责此说是哗众取宠。
- 6. The majority of parents believe that the Chinese secondary school students now may not be able to achieve the acceptance of this and more parents say this is accused of demagogy.
- 家长们多数认为,中国现在的中学生不一定能达到这种接受程度,更有家长指责此说是哗众取宠。