- 1. The use of deferential language is symbolic of the Confucian ideal of the woman, which dominates conservative gender norms in Japan.
- 使用恭敬的语言是儒家理想女性的象征,在日本保守的性别规范中占主导地位。
- 2. They like five-star hotels and deferential treatment.
- 他们喜欢五星级酒店和谦恭的礼遇。
- 3. This step may sound overly deferential, but it's a smart way to give the powerful person psychological safety and control.
- 这一步听起来可能过于顺从,但这是给强势者心理安全感和控制力的聪明方法。
- 4. He is deferential to his superiors.
- 他对他的长官是恭敬的。
- 5. Showing an excessively deferential manner.
- 表现出非常恭敬的举止。
- 6. Strange. As old as I am, I still feel deferential to you.
- 真奇特,即使像我这么老了,我还是觉得该对你恭敬。
- 7. She is always extremely deferential to anyone in authority.
- 他对他的长官是恭敬的。
- 8. She is always extremely deferential to anyone in authority.
- 她对任何权威人士总是必恭必敬。
- 9. The old idea of being deferential and accepting what you are told has gone.
- 那种顺从和接受的思想已经消失了。
- 10. For the royal weddings of the past, the celebratory crockery and linen in shops was starchy and deferential.
- 过去的皇家婚礼,商家里庆祝的陶器和亚麻布是古板而恭敬的。
- 11. His tone was perceived as insufficiently deferential; afterward, Miscavige demanded to know why Haggis had been invited.
- 他的语气被认为不够恭顺;后来密斯凯维吉要求了解为什么会邀请哈吉斯来。
- 12. What Confucius said couldn't dissuade Yanhui yet. He went on saying, "I will be upright inside and deferential outside."
- 颜回要去卫国的决心并没有因为老师这一席话而打消。
- 13. They are using fewer of the very deferential "women's" forms, and even using the few strong forms that are known as "men's."
- 她们更少使用非常恭顺的女性用语,甚至使用少量强硬的男性用语。
- 14. One of the movement's central messages is self-respect-pentecostals are "dynamite in the hands of God" rather than deferential servants.
- 该运动的一个主要启示就是自尊——五旬节派信徒是“上帝手中的妙物”,而非恭顺的仆人。
- 15. The fact that young Japanese women are using less deferential language is a sure sign of change — of social change and of linguistic change.
- 年轻日本女性使用越来越少的敬语毫无疑问是社会变化和语言变化的标志。
- 16. He offered to create Obama's AD campaign but became annoyed because Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't sufficiently deferential (HuffPo).
- 他曾主动请缨,为奥巴马创作竞选广告,但奥巴马的军师大卫·阿克塞尔罗德不太配合,这让乔布斯大为恼火。
- 17. 'Unhappy China' is a collection of essays by five authors who argue that China has been too deferential to a Western world that is hostile toward it.
- 这本名为《中国不高兴》的书是五位作者的文章合集,书中认为中国对对其抱有敌意的西方世界过于顺从。
- 18. It is possible and necessary for the bank to provide its customers with integrated deferential services which is provided by itself and concerned business services.
- 银行有必要也有可能将自身及相关商户所能够提供的差别服务整合起来提供给客户。
- 19. Defensive, deferential and discreet, Fitzgerald included in "the Habit of Being" none of the letters Flannery wrote to her mother in her brief, healthy time up north.
- 戒备、恭敬和审慎,菲茨杰拉德在《生存的习惯》这本书简集中包含的书信没有一封是弗兰纳里在北上简短而健康的时间写给母亲的。
- 20. In many multinational companies, employees are not necessarily deferential to the wishes of their superiors. Instead, they have the right to make Suggestions to a plan.
- 在很多跨国公司里,员工不必定只是服从上级的意思,相背,他们有权力对筹划发起公道的定见。
- 21. As someone who came up through the ranks of the often hidebound and highly deferential corporate world, I am glad to say good riddance to much of the old office culture.
- 作为从往往守旧并对上高度恭敬的企业界爬上来的人,我很高兴地终于可以向许多陈旧的办公室文化说再见了。
- 22. Gradually, and with little help from Rome, the American church is becoming better attuned to a flock that has become less deferential and less inclined to take things on trust.
- 逐渐的,在没有得到罗马帮助的情况下,美国教会正在逐渐协调合那些越来越不尊重教会、不信任教会的教民的关系。
- 23. The Chinese part of the firm, beset by deeply hierarchical and deferential behaviour, needs to get people to talk more openly to each other—even if that means confronting a superior.
- 联想在中国国内受困于根深蒂固的层级观念与服从上级的行为模式,这里需要广开言路,即使这意味着顶撞上级。
- 24. In contrast to Microsoft a decade ago, whose executives would rarely hide their disdain for regulators, Mr. Wagner speaks of his former colleagues at the Justice Department in deferential tones.
- 现在提起自己在司法部的前同事们,Wagner显得十分的谦逊,这与10年前微软毫不掩饰自己对法律人员的鄙视之情形成了鲜明的对比。
- 25. Several of the men interviewed say that the fighters were extremely deferential to the apparent leader on site, a portly, bespectacled man who was referred to as either the "sheikh" or the "doctor.
- 一些接受采访的人说,这些战士对现场的一位显然是领导的人极为恭敬,他们称这个身村魅梧的戴眼镜男子为“酋长”或“医生”。
- 26. Several of the men interviewed say that the fighters were extremely deferential to the apparent leader on site, a portly, bespectacled man who was referred to as either the "sheikh" or the "doctor.
- 一些接受采访的人说,这些战士对现场的一位显然是领导的人极为恭敬,他们称这个身村魅梧的戴眼镜男子为“酋长”或“医生”。