- 1. The company is in default on the loan.
- 这家公司拖欠借款。
- 2. On this screen, 256 colours is the default.
- 这个显示屏的系统设定值是256色。
- 3. The default option is to save your work every five minutes.
- 默认设置为每五分钟存盘一次。
- 4. The default setting on Windows Explorer will not show these files.
- 视窗浏览器上的默认系统设定不显示这些文档。
- 5. This is the default home page.
- 现在你所看到的是预设的首页。
- 6. This is the default home page.
- 现在你所看到的是预设的首页。
- 7. At least one word is entered here by default.
- 此处默认至少输入一个单词。
- 8. The default value of this register is an empty string.
- 这个寄存器的默认值是一个空字符串。
- 9. They fear I will default on any business loan I'm given.
- 他们担心我会拖欠发放给我的一些商业贷款。
- 10. Human nature being what it is, most people stick with default settings.
- 大多数人都坚持着默认设定,这是人的本性使然。
- 11. Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear with Windows 8, would have DNT as a default.
- 与Windows8 一起发布的 IE10将把 DNT作为默认设置。
- 12. If Dubai defaults on its debts, it would be the largest sovereign default since Argentina in 2001.
- 如果迪拜拖欠债务,它将是继2001年阿根廷之后的最大主权债务违约国。
- 13. One school thinks that, even in cases of negative equity, most homeowners will not default if they can afford the payments.
- 一学派认为,即使在负权益的情况下,如果可以负担还款,大部分房主将不会违约。
- 14. In 1998, there was the Russian default crisis and then there was some seize up of that maybe resembles what is happening now.
- 1998年,俄罗斯发生了债务违约危机,然后出现了一些停顿,可能与现在的情况类似。
- 15. When the driver accelerated, the vacuum was insufficient to run the intermittent mode and the wipers would default to high speed.
- 当司机加速时,真空不足以运行间歇模式,雨刷将默认为高速。
- 16. If your network is extremely slow, you may think about decreasing your default in order to reduce the amount of packet fragmentation.
- 如果您的网络速度非常缓慢,那么您可能会为了减少包碎片的数量,而考虑减少你的默认值。
- 17. They argue that governments should persuade us into making better decisions—such as saving more in our pension plans—by changing the default options.
- 他们认为,政府应该通过改变一些默认选项来说服我们做出更好的决定,比如在我们的养老金计划中存更多的钱。
- 18. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft's default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.
- 无法分辨一些用户是真的反对行为广告还是坚持微软的默认设置,他们可能会忽略DNT信号继续进行。
- 19. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on advertising, it has chosen an indirect method: there is no guarantee that DNT by default will become the norm.
- 如果它是在打击几乎完全依赖广告业务的谷歌,那么它选择了一个不直接的方法:因为没人能保证默认DNT 模式会成为常规。
- 20. It is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example, and many journal articles in fields as perse as astronomy, child psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language.
- 例如,英语经常是各种会议的通用语,天文学、儿童心理学和动物学等领域的许多期刊文章都将英语作为一种默认语言。
- 21. Apple's stance on these issues emerged post-Snowden, when the company started putting in place a series of technologies that, by default, make use of encryption to limit access to people's data.
- 苹果公司在这些问题上的立场是在斯诺登事件出现后形成的,在那之后,公司开始采用了一系列的技术,这些技术在默认情况下将使用者的数据加密,限制他人访问。
- 22. He appeared unimpressed; but then, unimpressed was his default state.
- 他看似不为所动,但是,不为所动就是他的原样。
- 23. They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it.
- 由于缺乏相反的证据,他们相信了他的话。
- 24. The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.
- 该公司可能会被指控违反了与政府签订的合同。
- 25. I would rather pay the inpiduals than let the money go to the State by default.
- 我宁可把钱付给个人,也不会毫无选择就把钱交给国家。
- 26. By default, this table shows 10 rows.
- 默认情况下,这个表格显示10行。
- 27. Ecosystems free of species defined as exotic are, by default, considered the most natural.
- 默认情况下,没有外来物种的生态系统被认为是最自然的生态系统。
- 28. The matter, which was a weighty one, was like to go against the English monarch by default.
- 这一重大事件,在一般情况下,似乎是对英国君主不利的。
- 29. As we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as students.
- 就像我们在这个主页上说的,在默认情况下,当你登录到这个公告栏时,我们会对你进行登记,这样,你就会以学生的身份登录。
- 30. At the ubiquitous convenience stores throughout Japan, cashiers now ask if customers need chopsticks rather than sticking them into checkout bags by default.
- 在遍布日本的便利店中,收银员现在会询问顾客是否需要筷子,而不是默认情况下把它们塞进结账袋里。