- 1. Doctors become inured to death.
- 医生们对死亡变得习以为常。
- 2. But his death was so needless.
- 然而他的死却太没有必要了。
- 3. I do not weep over his death.
- 他死了我也不哭。
- 4. His death followed hard on hers.
- 她死后不久,他也死了。
- 5. She knew she was close to death.
- 她知道自己已濒临死亡。
- 6. This death had been a slow burn.
- 这种死亡过程缓慢。
- 7. His death was totally unexpected.
- 他的死完全出人意料。
- 8. Her death is an irreparable loss.
- 她的死是一种无法挽回的损失。
- 9. Death came as a merciful release.
- 死神的到来算是一种幸运的解脱。
- 10. He died a slow and painful death.
- 他缓慢而痛苦地死去。
- 11. His death was very sudden.
- 他死得很突然。
- 12. The death toll continues to mount.
- 死亡人数持续增加。
- 13. Death doesn't hold any fear for me.
- 死亡对我来说没什么可怕的。
- 14. She slowly bled to death.
- 她慢慢地失血死去。
- 15. He'd come close to death.
- 他曾与死神擦肩而过。
- 16. He took his wife's death very hard.
- 他对妻子的死感到很难过。
- 17. The pilot escaped death by seconds.
- 这位飞行员数秒之内死里逃生。
- 18. Sex and death are strange bedfellows.
- 性与死离奇相关。
- 19. The knights swore loyalty unto death.
- 骑士们宣誓至死效忠。
- 20. His death rocked the fashion business.
- 他的死震惊了时装界。
- 21. We are learning how to confront death.
- 我们在学习如何正视死亡。
- 22. The President signed the death warrant.
- 总统签署了死刑执行令。
- 23. He still felt responsible for her death.
- 他依然觉得对她的死负有责任。
- 24. The immediate cause of death is unknown.
- 造成死亡的直接原因不明。
- 25. He either suffocated, or froze to death.
- 他要么窒息而死,要么冻死了。
- 26. Her father's death really screwed her up.
- 父亲死后,她真是万念俱灰。
- 27. He survived the massacre by feigning death.
- 他装死才在大屠杀中死里逃生。
- 28. After her death, their lives changed forever.
- 她死后他们的生活从此改变了。
- 29. Their daughter's death had taught him humility.
- 他们女儿的死使他懂得了做人要谦逊。
- 30. The coroner's verdict was 'death by misadventure'.
- 验尸官判定是“意外致死”。