- 1. His business dealings were aboveboard.
- 他的商业交易是光明正大的。
- 2. He was scrupulous in all his business dealings.
- 他在所做的一切商业交易中都是清白的。
- 3. Have you had any previous dealings with this company?
- 你曾与这家公司有过业务往来吗?
- 4. She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them.
- 她用错误的手段和他们打交道。
- 5. She has always been very polite in her dealings with me.
- 她在与我交往的过程中总是彬彬有礼。
- 6. He's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings.
- 他被迫去理顺一大堆错综复杂的金融交易。
- 7. The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings.
- 银行在交易时应更加谨慎。
- 8. He has learned little in his dealings with the international community.
- 他在和国际社会的往来中所学不多。
- 9. They have been accused of secrecy and high-handedness in their dealings.
- 他们被指责在交易上欺瞒和霸道。
- 10. Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally?
- 你是否与任何嫌疑人有过私人或业务来往?
- 11. There was a conflict of interest between his business dealings and his political activities.
- 他的商务交往与政治活动之间存在着利益冲突。
- 12. I've never had any dealings with him.
- 我跟他从来没有任何来往。
- 13. Don't have any dealings with that fellow.
- 不要和那个人打交道。
- 14. Efficiency is the goal, so meetings and dealings often are fast-paced.
- 效率即是目的,所以会议和交易通常节奏都很快。
- 15. The fellow is as sharp as a razor. Be careful in your dealings with him.
- 这家伙厉害得很,你和他打交道时要特别小心。
- 16. Our business dealings, as well as the nation's diplomacy, are conducted through interpreters.
- 我们的商务往来和国事外交都是通过翻译进行的。
- 17. He is also suing the authors of a book about his elder brother's business dealings with the government.
- 他还起诉了一本关于他哥哥与政府生意往来的书的作者。
- 18. Argentina is one of only a handful of countries that refuse all dealings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
- 阿根廷是少数拒绝与国际货币基金组织(IMF)进行所有交易的国家之一。
- 19. America's internet giants could also benefit from the legislation if it helps them in their dealings with the European Union.
- 如果该项法案有助于美国的互联网巨头和欧盟打交道,他们也可以受益于它。
- 20. This raises the need for a global system of checks and balances, for mandatory rules and constraints in our dealings with nature.
- 这就需要建立一个全球性的检查和制衡体系,在我们与自然打交道时制定强制性的规则和约束。
- 21. This jumping to our children's defense is part of what fuels the "walking on eggshells" feeling that surrounds our dealings with other people's children.
- 这种跳出来为孩子辩护的行为,是我们与他人的孩子打交道时会产生“如履薄冰”感受的部分原因。
- 22. To put the kindest interpretation on his financial dealings, he has been naive and sloppy, not the best qualities for looking after Africa's biggest economy.
- 从最善意的角度来解释他的金融交易,他一直是天真和草率的,这不是管理非洲最大经济体的最佳品质。
- 23. Since an executive who uses a title is treated with more respect by outsiders, however, use of a title can facilitate an executive's dealings with external businesses.
- 然而,由于使用头衔的高管会受到外部人士更多的尊重,因此,使用头衔可以促进高管与外部事务打交道。
- 24. I knew nothing of his business dealings.
- 我对他生意上的事一概不知道。
- 25. Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings.
- 马尔科姆相信他在为其私底下行为的奸诈内疚着。
- 26. Peripheral peoples therefore had a great advantage in their dealings with the center, making government authority insecure and anxious.
- 因此,外围地区的人民得到了一个对付中央政府的绝佳机会,这使政府当局感到不安和焦虑。
- 27. My business dealings are above board.
- 我做生意都是光明正大的。
- 28. Be honest and forthright in all your dealings.
- 无论与谁交往都要诚实坦率。
- 29. Or consider his dealings with China and Russia.
- 又或如在处理与中国和俄罗斯问题方面。
- 30. Be honest and fair in all of your dealings with others.
- 诚实且公平的对待所有你和它人的交往。