- 1. He gave up the crutch of alcohol.
- 他不再依赖酒精。
- 2. Ooh, hand me that crutch, would you?
- 哦,把拐杖递给我,好吗?
- 3. The hat and crutch are also dancing.
- 帽子拐杖也跳起舞来。
- 4. Love is a crutch, let little stumble in life.
- 父爱是拐杖,让我们在人生中少摔跟头。
- 5. Don't Rely on Search as a Crutch to Bad navigation.
- 不要试图用搜索来弥补恶劣的导航设计。
- 6. Technology isn't a crutch for Pixar, it's simply another way to excel.
- 技术不是皮克斯的支柱,它只是胜过其他人的一种方式。
- 7. It's a convenient crutch for you, the human with limited brain capacity.
- 因为人类有限的记忆能力,这只是方便记忆的帮助而已。
- 8. But don't use the text as a crutch -you can't use a script to talk to people!
- 但别把课文当作唯一的依靠——因为你无法像背稿一样地和人谈话!
- 9. An online dictionary can be useful, but it easily becomes a crutch. Use it sparingly.
- 一本在线字典可以很有用,但也容易产生依赖性,要适度使用。
- 10. Being well organized is necessary, but a false crutch to integrating int a new society.
- 进行有条理的组织是必要的,但是要融入一个新的社会里这并不完全可行。
- 11. It turns out that for many, static typing is a crutch that's no different from that ski restraint.
- 对于许多人来说,静态类型也是一种依赖,这和雪橇上的束带没有什么区别。
- 12. You should treat this as a crutch - necessary, but something you want to do without in the long run.
- 应该将这当作一根临时需要的拐杖,但最后一定可以摆脱它。
- 13. He or she will become your crutch and you will lose out on meeting other people and potential friends.
- 他或她可能会成为你的感情支柱,于是你便失去了结识他人和潜在朋友的机会。
- 14. Turns out that's just a fakeout.It's a convenient crutch for you, the human with limited brain capacity.
- 但实际上这种地址只是一个假象,因为人脑容量有限,它可以方便我们记忆。
- 15. In his book, "Into the Remote Places" (1984), he described his bike as a companion, a crutch and a friend.
- 在其《骑向遥远之地》(1984年)一书中,他把自行车描绘成一个伙伴、拐扙和朋友。
- 16. Take crutch, out door climbing, in complete bemusement, see staggered peaks, dense pine forest fold, a snow-white.
- 带上拐杖,出户登山,放眼四望,只见群峰错列,松林密叠,一派银装素裹。
- 17. The problem is if you use alcohol as a crutch, you will always need it as a crutch. Hence it being called a crutch.
- 问题是,如果你借酒壮胆,那么你可能会一直需要它,这也是它被称为酒精依赖的原因。
- 18. Gradient rectangles are my crutch - I have a terrible habit of using them whenever I feel like a design isn't working.
- 渐变填充矩形是我的死穴-每次我遇到不太灵光的设计方案的时候我都会有这个习惯。
- 19. For many of us, it can be tough to imagine unplugging for a couple of hours: Technology has become somewhat of a crutch.
- 对很多人来说,与科技暂别几个小时似乎十分煎熬,毕竟从某种程度上,它已经成为了我们的拐杖。
- 20. When all the staff are far away, can rely on, still only their own. On earth, the crutch is ultimately to the group alone.
- 当所有的拐杖都远离时,所能凭恃的,依然只有自己的。行路,人间的拐杖,终究是要干山独行。
- 21. The problem with rigor and process, however, is that both can easily become a crutch, or worse, used to defend the status quo.
- 严格和过程带来的困难,就是,他们都容易变成精神上的寄托,或者更糟,习惯于维持现状。
- 22. When you sit down to work without a plan, it's easy to get caught up in crutch activities like checking email and browsing the web.
- 如果没有一个工作计划,很容易让你陷入不断查看邮件和浏览网页的混乱中。
- 23. Use an electronic enhancement, such as PowerPoint, as an accompaniment to your presentation to reinforce your point, not as a crutch.
- 可以使用适当的电子设备,例如PowerPoint,为加强观点锦上添花,而不是作为一种支撑。
- 24. Palms are kept hidden and the glass is used as a social crutch -the drink is never quite finished, with a mouthful left in case of emergency.
- 他们把手掌藏在杯子的阴影里,杯子就像社交的手:他们杯里的酒总是喝不完,总是会留一口应急。
- 25. And that data eventually becomes a crutch for every decision, paralyzing the company and preventing it from making any daring design decisions.
- 最终数据成为了每次决策的主要依据,这僵化了整个公司并且扼杀了作出任何大胆设计决定的可能。
- 26. A blind person shall use a blind crutch or take other blind-guide means to pass on a road, and the vehicles shall give way to the blind person.
- 盲人在道路上通行,应当使用盲杖或者采取其他导盲手段,车辆应当避让盲人。
- 27. A blind person shall use a blind crutch or take other blind-guide means to pass on a road, and the vehicles shall give way to the blind person.
- 盲人在道路上通行,应当使用盲杖或者采取其他导盲手段,车辆应当避让盲人。