- 1. However, you may not know that he also holds a master's degree in criminology and studied abroad for a year with the international police force which deals with crimes around the world.
- 但是,你可能不知道他还拥有犯罪学硕士学位,并在国际警察部队出国学习了一年,该部队负责处理世界各地的犯罪活动。
- 2. He is interested in the issues of crime and criminology.
- 他对犯罪及犯罪学方面的问题感兴趣。
- 3. Are you fascinated by criminology, forensics, and detective work?
- 你是否有迷上犯罪学、法医和侦查工作?
- 4. In a wide sense of the word, criminology includes penology.
- 从广义上讲,犯罪学包括刑罚学。
- 5. So it becomes the important question for study in criminology.
- 因此它早已成为刑法学中的一个重要的研究课题。
- 6. And experts who study criminology say that some crimes do seem to be contagious.
- 研究犯罪学的专家说,有些罪行似乎会蔓延的。
- 7. However, violence crime is also used in criminology. They have different meanings.
- 刑法学意义上的暴力犯罪同犯罪学意义上的暴力犯罪含义不同。
- 8. The thoughts on criminology originated in Xia, Shang and Zhou Periods in ancient China.
- 中国古代的犯罪学思想最早可追溯到夏商周三代时期。
- 9. Human aggression has been a hot issue in sociology, psychology, criminology and other subjects.
- 人类攻击性问题一直是社会学,心理学,犯罪学等领域众多学者关注的热点问题。
- 10. Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon, which is also an object of study of criminology.
- 越轨行为是一种常见的社会现象,也是犯罪学的研究对象之一。
- 11. According to the category of discipline functions, criminology can be included in criminal science.
- 按学科功能归类,犯罪学可以归于刑事科学。
- 12. The relationship between victimology and criminology is a longstanding issue within the academic realm.
- 被害人学与犯罪学之间的关系问题是学界的一个宿疑。
- 13. By contrast, Ashley, the criminology student at the nearby university, has never seen a porce in her family.
- 与此相反,附近一所大学的犯罪学学生A shley,从未经历过家庭离婚。
- 14. How crime occurs is the original question of criminology, also a problem which perplexes the society for long.
- 犯罪如何生成,这是犯罪学的元问题,也是长期以来困扰着人类社会的问题。
- 15. These factors provide a lot of back up information for a better understanding of criminology and its possibilities.
- 这些因素提供了很多更好地了解犯罪及其可能性的信息。
- 16. Nowadays, organized crime becomes the focus of the whole society and also the major project of the criminology study.
- 有组织犯罪是当今世界共同关注的热点问题,也是犯罪学理论研究的重大课题。
- 17. The UCD School of Law includes the Institute of Criminology, whose work on re-offenders was recently widely publicised.
- 爱尔兰国立大学法学院包括犯罪学研究所,其对再犯罪者的研究最近得到了广泛的宣传。
- 18. For the beginners studying Empirical Criminology, being universalized in measuring standard has a unique sense of meaning.
- 对于初学实证的我国犯罪学界,普及量具标准化意识有独特的意义。
- 19. The reason for the slow development of the Western Criminology is the lack of standardized measurement gauge in recent years.
- 近年来西方犯罪学发展缓慢,原因就在于测量量具缺乏标准化。
- 20. How to define the concept of crime in scientific term is the precondition and the basis of the noumenal theory of the criminology.
- 犯罪学本体理论建设的前提和基础是科学界定犯罪概念。
- 21. Now it has been widely used in military, industrial, agriculture, criminology, market investigation, census, medical research, and so on.
- 现在已被广泛应用到军事、工业、农业、犯罪统计学、市场调查、人口统计和医学研究等领域。
- 22. In April, 1998, John De Hann from California Institute of Criminology conducted an experiment to prove the Wick Effect for the first time.
- 1998年4月,加州犯罪学学院的约翰•德•哈安(John DeHann)博士做了一个实验首次验证“灯芯效应”。
- 23. The basic theory of situational crime prevention includes rational choice theory, routine activity theory, and environmental criminology.
- 情境预防的理论根基包括三个方面:理性选择理论、日常活动理论、环境犯罪学理论。
- 24. Three views of the aim of penalty are popular in criminology: retribution theory, general prevention theory and special prevention theory.
- 刑罚预防除可分为特殊预防与一般预防外 ,还可以划分为消极预防与积极预防、观念预防与现实预防。
- 25. While beefed up network security is crucial criminology professor David Maimon, of the University of Maryland, says that's only half the solution.
- 在加强网络安全至关重要时,马里兰大学的犯罪学教授大卫·麦农表示那只是一半的解决方案。
- 26. Typology is ment to research complex paradigm to criminology. an important sociology research paradigm, and a new analyzing instrusocial problems.
- 类型学是一种非常重要的社会学研究范式,是研究复杂社会问题的一种新型分析工具。
- 27. Renner fell into acting at college. He was studying computer science and criminology when he decided to try an acting class, and found he had a talent for it.
- Renner在大学时迷上了表演,他当时的专业是计算机科学与犯罪学,在他试上了一节表演课后,发现自己在这方面很有天赋。
- 28. Renner fell into acting at college. He was studying computer science and criminology when he decided to try an acting class, and found he had a talent for it.
- Renner在大学时迷上了表演,他当时的专业是计算机科学与犯罪学,在他试上了一节表演课后,发现自己在这方面很有天赋。