- 1. Some crematoria in Sweden and Denmark have gone further, selling surplus heat for use in houses.
- 瑞典和丹麦的一些火葬场走得更远,他们将余热卖出去供房屋取暖。
- 2. These two letters reveal what the drawings represent: wooden barracks, gas Chambers and crematoria.
- 仅仅这两个字母h.h .已经透露出这些代表木板营房、毒气室和火葬场的图纸意味着什么。
- 3. The onus is on UK crematoria to halve mercury emissions, which come mainly from tooth fillings, by 2012 and eliminate them altogether by 2020.
- 2012年英国的火葬场有义务在2012年前让水银蒸发量减半,到2020年要实现无蒸发。火葬场的水银蒸发主要产生于牙齿填充物。
- 4. The tailoring can be comical: a colleague who writes about cricket, and so tends to mention the Ashes, now finds his searches accompanied by ads for crematoria.
- 这些量身定制的广告有时会很滑稽:一名大学生写了一篇有关板球的文章,文中提到了灰烬杯(ashes),于是他的搜索结果一侧便会出现火葬场的广告。
- 5. Dental fillings mean that they account for as much as a fifth of Britain's mercury emissions: regulations require crematoria to cut mercury emissions by half by 2012.
- 补牙材料意味着火葬所排放的汞占到英国汞排放的两成之多:规制措施要求火葬场到2012年时,将其汞排放量削减一半。
- 6. For those UK crematoria that hold lots of daily services, the amount of excess heat generated could open up the possibility of selling energy to the National Grid.
- 对于承担大量日常服务的英国火葬场而言,产生的余热的量可能意味着它们或可将能源卖给国家电网。
- 7. Hoegh says the work doesn't get too depressing, either since they sell to humane societies, vet clinics, pet cemeteries, and pet crematoria, not to grieving pet owners.
- 赫伊表示这份工作并不会使人太压抑,因为他们的产品是出售给动物保护协会、宠物医院、宠物墓园和宠物火葬场的,并不是直接面向悲伤的宠物主人。
- 8. As other crematoria install new equipment to comply with rules on reducing mercury emissions, some are making profitable use of excess heat that otherwise would be wasted.
- 为了遵守要求减少水银蒸发量的规定,其他火葬场安装了新设备。一些火葬场正在利用火化余热来产生利润,否则就会白白浪费。
- 9. Andy Clayden of the University of Sheffield says that 242 natural-burial grounds are either up and running or planned in Britain, only just fewer than the country's 252 crematoria.
- 谢菲尔德大学的Andy Clayden说:英国有242块自然坟地要不在运营要不在规划之中,数量比这个国家里火葬场的数量(252家)少不了多少。
- 10. She organises cremations, removing the bodies from the owner's homes or vets' practices in a special animal hearse, taking them to dedicated pet crematoria and then returning the ashes to the owners.
- 她负责安排火化事宜,包括用一辆特殊的动物灵车把宠物尸体从主人家或兽医诊所带走,送往专门的宠物火葬场,然后把骨灰带回给宠物主人。
- 11. She organises cremations, removing the bodies from the owner's homes or vets' practices in a special animal hearse, taking them to dedicated pet crematoria and then returning the ashes to the owners.
- 她负责安排火化事宜,包括用一辆特殊的动物灵车把宠物尸体从主人家或兽医诊所带走,送往专门的宠物火葬场,然后把骨灰带回给宠物主人。