- 1. This is like a creche system.
- 这就像托儿所系统一样。
- 2. We have a creche and childcare services.
- 我们有托儿所及照料儿童的服务。
- 3. I was born in the creche, and was raised by the community.
- 我出生在育婴院,并受到社会各界提出的问题。
- 4. Or, buy one creche piece every year and write the date on the bottom.
- 或者,每年购买一个托儿所马槽并在其底部写上日期。
- 5. Is in good physical build-up and healthy enough for admission to a creche or kindergarten.
- 有良好的体格,适宜就读幼儿院或幼稚园。
- 6. The church will be used by the local multi-faith community, as a creche and space for leisure activities.
- 该教堂将被用于当地多信仰社会,作为一个托儿所和空间的休闲活动。
- 7. "The only reason the women come here is because of the creche," admits Shafia Khan, who is in charge of state nurseries in the district.
- 本区的托儿所所长ShafiaKhan直言不讳:“女人们来这里只有一个原因,就是为了她们的孩子。”
- 8. The Kindergarden and the creche function like apartments and each are accessible from the foyer, strengthening the inpiduality of the two functions.
- 幼儿园和孤儿院像是两个公寓,每个都能从前厅到达,两个功能的个性因此被延展了。
- 9. Thus, the creche is composed of two elements: the landscape (outside space bringing in light, air, vegetation, water) and the building containing the program.
- 因此,托儿所是由两个要素组成:景观(从外部空间引进的光线、空气、植被、水)和建设项目。
- 10. Nevertheless, this whole obsession, which my girls seem to share with all their female school and creche friends, is one that has always sat rather uneasily with me.
- 尽管如此,每每当我察觉到我的孩子们和她们在女子学校和托儿所的所有朋友,几乎无一例外地追逐着这股狂热,我真是忧心忡忡。
- 11. Designed like a game of cubes, seen from the street, the creche asserts is playful character by the stacking up and setting of volumes of different materials and colors.
- 站在街道上看,这个设计就像一个立方体的游戏,托儿所颇有趣味的造型就好像用很多体块堆积起来一样,这些体块有着不同的材质和颜色。
- 12. Designed like a game of cubes, seen from the street, the creche asserts is playful character by the stacking up and setting of volumes of different materials and colors.
- 站在街道上看,这个设计就像一个立方体的游戏,托儿所颇有趣味的造型就好像用很多体块堆积起来一样,这些体块有着不同的材质和颜色。