- 1. That noise is driving me crazy.
- 那噪声吵得我快发疯了。
- 2. 'I must be crazy,' she thought.
- “我准是疯了。”她想。
- 3. We're crazy about each other.
- 我们为彼此疯狂。
- 4. 'You're crazy!' she laughed.
- “你疯啦!”她哈哈大笑起来。
- 5. She must be crazy to lend him money.
- 她把钱借给他,一定是疯了。
- 6. She's crazy—she ought to be locked up.
- 她疯了,应该把她关起来。
- 7. It's crazy, isn't it?
- 这真是疯了,不是吗?
- 8. All the publicity nearly sent him crazy.
- 成天生活在公众的注意之下让他差一点发疯了。
- 9. A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room.
- 一个疯老太婆租了楼上那个房间。
- 10. He's plumb crazy.
- 他彻底疯了。
- 11. Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that.
- 你疯了?我们那样做会丧命的。
- 12. What a crazy scheme, and I use that term advisedly.
- 多么疯狂的计划啊,而且我是故意用那个名称的。
- 13. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.
- 司机嘟哝着,深信迈克尔疯了。
- 14. The car was barrelling down the street at a crazy speed.
- 汽车沿着街道发疯一般地高速行驶。
- 15. If I sat home and worried about all this stuff, I'd go crazy.
- 要是我坐在家里为所有这些事发愁,我会发疯的。
- 16. You are either a total genius or else you must be totally crazy.
- 你要么是个纯粹的天才,要不然你准是完全疯了。
- 17. Everyone thought I was crazy to go back, but I wouldn't be moved.
- 人人都认为我回去是疯了,可我是不会动摇的。
- 18. I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go crazy.
- 幸好我对学校作业还感兴趣,不然会疯的。
- 19. He will leave his socks lying all over the place and it drives me crazy.
- 他总是把袜子丢得到处都是,这简直让我发疯。
- 20. "Has the whole world just gone crazy?"—"Sure looks that way, doesn't it."
- “整个世界都疯了吗?”—“看起来确实如此,不是吗?”
- 21. She began to wonder whether she would go crazy with the tedium of the job.
- 她开始怀疑自己会不会因工作枯燥而发疯。
- 22. What would he think of their story? He'd probably think she and Lenny were both crazy!
- 他会怎么看他们的故事呢。他可能会想她和伦尼都疯了!
- 23. Crazy people don't think they're crazy.
- 疯狂的人从不认为他们是疯狂的。
- 24. Yes, I think I am crazy, but just crazy for you!
- 是的,我想我是疯狂了,但我只为你而狂!
- 25. Maybe you're crazy and hope to become less crazy.
- 也许是你觉得自己疯了,所以希望能够不那么疯。
- 26. Rick is crazy about football.
- 里克对足球着了迷。
- 27. I pumped the handle like crazy.
- 我拼命地来回摇动手柄。
- 28. It's crazy, I know, but there it is.
- 我知道,那很疯狂,不过情况就是如此。
- 29. What started her off on that crazy idea?
- 她怎么会有那样古怪的念头呢?
- 30. His sister screamed out that he was crazy.
- 他姐姐大叫着说他昏了头。