- 1. He was a craftsman in metalwork from Dresden.
- 他是来自德累斯顿的金工工匠。
- 2. The table in the kitchen was made by a local craftsman.
- 厨房里的桌子是当地一名工匠做的。
- 3. The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman.
- 切割钻石的好坏取决于工匠的技艺。
- 4. Part of the fun of being a craftsman is meeting other craftsmen.
- 成为一名工匠的乐趣之一就是会见到其他工匠。
- 5. The scene inside the Home Depot on Weyman Avenue here would give the old-time American craftsman pause.
- 威曼大道家得宝内的场景会让这位美国老派工匠驻足。
- 6. It is clearly the work of a master craftsman.
- 很明显这是工艺大师的作品。
- 7. His grandfather had been a craftsman.
- 他的祖父曾是个手艺人。
- 8. No longer does a good craftsman have to work in a job he dislikes all day, and then try to create at night.
- 有才华的工匠无需再花一整天做他不喜欢的工作,再挤出夜晚的时间进行创作。
- 9. No longer does a good craftsman have to work in a job he dislikes all day, and then tries to create at night.
- 对于优秀的工匠们来说,他们再也不用把一整天都浪费在自己不喜欢的工作上且只能在晚上尝试创作了。
- 10. Language often seems so skillfully drafted that one can hardly imagine it as anything other than the perfected handiwork of a master craftsman.
- 通常,语言看上去是如此精心雕琢,以至于让人们很难想象它不是哪位能工巧匠的完美作品。
- 11. Next, as this craftsman does.
- 接着,就要像这位师傅这样。
- 12. The craftsman beat gold into rings.
- 这位工匠把金子打成戒指。
- 13. Paul Revere, in fact, was a flatware craftsman.
- 事实上,保罗·里维尔是一个餐具工匠。
- 14. So he chose to work as a craftsman to support his family.
- 所以他选择做手艺活支撑家庭营生。
- 15. Delhi, India: Craftsman making a cricket ball at a factory in meerut.
- 印度德里:密鲁特一家工厂的工匠在制作板球。
- 16. Craftsman often paint animals and flowers on a stone board with the syrup.
- 工匠艺人经常在一块石板上用糖浆画动物和花朵。
- 17. Pictured is a craftsman in his shop on Italy’s Amalfi Coast. (Richard I'Anson/LPI)
- 本张图片拍摄的是商店里的手艺人,摄于意大利阿尔玛菲海岸。
- 18. Hephaestus (Vulcan) : Master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of fire and the forge.
- 赫菲斯托斯(乌尔肯):希腊神话中的火神与匠神。
- 19. I asked my friend John Foster, a capable craftsman who built the log cabin where he lives, for advice.
- 于是,向我的朋友约翰·福斯特征求意见。 他是一位很有才华的工匠,擅长建造适人居住的小木屋。
- 20. Today we want to show you unusual desk "Wave" designed by Georgia-based designer and craftsman RobertBrou.
- 今天,我们要告诉你不寻常的办公桌“波”,来自格鲁吉亚的设计师和工匠robertBrou的作品。
- 21. So the notion of being the best is like a personal goal. It's like, "I want to be a software craftsman".
- 成为最佳是个人目标,类似于“我要成为软件技艺高手”这样的想法。
- 22. He learned from a craftsman in Clerkenwell how to make cases, usually of gold with a silver back and bezels.
- 丹尼尔斯向一名匠人学习怎样制作表盒,通常是那种银质的背部和带有银质表座的金质表盒。
- 23. This decade marked the ending of Art Nouveau (1851-1914) and Modern Architecture (check out Craftsman style).
- 这十年标志着新艺术主义(1851- 1914)和现代建筑(名匠式风格)的终结。
- 24. In truth, the best software engineers are craftsman, bringing energy, ingenuity, and creativity to every line of code.
- 事实上,最优秀的软件工程师是工匠,他们能把能量、独创性和创造力融入到每一行代码中。
- 25. Master craftsman Segolene Royal tops out his candle-powered carousel windmill in a bottle at his workshop in Germany.
- 德国手工艺大师罗伊在精心制作“玻璃瓶中的烛光宴会”风车。
- 26. The shelves are extremely complex curved lines around the wound, are currently all done by hand by a master craftsman.
- 整个架子都是极其复杂的弯弯绕绕的线条,目前都是由一位老师傅全手工完成。
- 27. A keen chess player, the Duchess has also commissioned a Gloucestershire craftsman to carve a wooden chess set for Charles.
- 作为一位国际象棋爱好者,卡米拉还请格洛斯特郡的工匠做了一副国际象棋给查尔斯。
- 28. The difference between an expert and craftsman is the difference between having a great garden and being a great gardener.
- 专家与匠师的差别正在于一个好的花园与一个好的园丁的差别。
- 29. Make the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen-the work of a skilled craftsman.
- 他们要拿金线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,并捻的细麻,用巧匠的手工做以弗得。
- 30. Make the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen-the work of a skilled craftsman.
- 他们要拿金线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,并捻的细麻,用巧匠的手工做以弗得。