- 1. The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers.
- 他录的歌曲是由一个忠实的作家小群体所撰写的。
- 2. We three formed a little literary coterie.
- 我们三人组成一个小文学团体。
- 3. The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors.
- 这个名字只有收藏家的小圈子才知道。
- 4. As a coterie press, Shiwubao was founded in 1896 by perse groups.
- 作为一个同人刊物,1896年创办的《时务报》是由不同群体所共同参与创办。
- 5. Helen won't bowl with us; she has her own coterie of bowling friends.
- 海伦不会跟我们打保龄球;她自己有一群打保龄球的朋友。
- 6. Helen won't bowl with us; she has her own coterie of bowling friends.
- 海伦不会跟我们打保龄球;她本人有一群打保龄球的朋友。
- 7. "A coterie of Wall Street bankers and their friends" (Robert B. Reich).
- “华尔街银行家们和他们朋友的小圈子”(罗伯特·b·雷奇)。
- 8. Over the years he has gathered around him a coterie of powerful businessman.
- 多年来他身边聚集了一小搓有权势的商人。
- 9. Greg and his coterie were not the first to make art out of abandonment in Detroit;
- 在底特律,格雷格和他的小圈子并不是第一批将废宅变为艺术的人;
- 10. But do they need to pander to the irrational wishes and fantasies of this coterie?
- 但他们需要迎合非理性的愿望和幻想吗?
- 11. There’s a coterie of news hounds calling themselves as citizen journalists behind Wikinews.
- 在维基新闻的背后有一个被称作公民记者的新闻获取小圈子。
- 12. The verses were copied out, handed about, sneered at, admired, passed from coterie to coterie.
- 这些诗,有人抄录,有人传阅,有人鄙夷,也有人赞美,从一伙人传到另一伙人。
- 13. So they didn't want one king to arise, and they didn't want a small coterie of leaders to arise.
- 所以他们不能让一个国王崛起,不能让一个小团体壮大。
- 14. The need for a patronised inner coterie: Iraq taught us that magnitude of destruction has to be immense.
- 需要维护圈内人士:伊拉克让我们了解破坏的程度必然是巨大的。
- 15. The shops selling top comic writers' coterie magazines hard to find are increasing day by day in Akihabara.
- 以很难入手的人气动画作家的同人杂志为销售对象的商店在秋叶原日渐增加。
- 16. The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it.
- 计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。
- 17. For, in theimaginations of a coterie of physicists, biologists and engineers, analternative world is taking shape.
- 在物理学家、生物学家和工程师圈子里面,一个替代性方案正在逐步成型。
- 18. Welcome the coterie of medical device field to our company. Waiting for the cheerful cooperation with you cordially.
- 欢迎医疗器械同行来我们公司,期待和您真诚的合作。
- 19. This coterie of experts, who refer to themselves as alumni of "St Andrew's Prep", speak of their inscrutable teacher with awe.
- 这些专家形成了一个圈子,他们把安德鲁·马歇尔看做一所学校,而他们就是圣安德鲁个人学校的校友。每每提到这位神秘的老师,他们便心怀敬畏。
- 20. How humiliating: you tried to send a direct message to a member of your Twitter coterie but couldn't because they quit following your tweets.
- 多么羞辱:你尝试往你在推客中的小圈子发送一条直接信息但却不能,因为他们不再跟随你的推客。
- 21. Francoise herself has always said that her legal actions were in fact aimed at protecting her mother from a coterie of gold-digging hangers-on.
- 而弗朗索瓦一直以来都称其法律行动是为了保护母亲不受大量意欲攀高枝的食客的困扰。
- 22. The Guardian data also shows that a coterie of elite bosses at the helm of multinational corporations are seeing their overall pay packets soar ever higher.
- 《卫报》的调查数据还显示,那些执掌跨国公司的小部分精英老板所获得的整体薪酬待遇飙升得更高。
- 23. He is a longtime friend of Ahmadinejad, a relative by marriage, and a member of his innermost circle, a coterie so tight as to form a faction within a faction in Iran's ruling establishment.
- 他是内贾德多年的好友,双方还有姻亲关系;他也是内贾德核心小组的成员,一个伊朗统治阶层集团内一个联系紧密的小团体。
- 24. It represents the feature of Juvenile Student and Chinese Monthly, elucidates the same objective of Kaiming's coterie to literature and education by analyzing the content and their writers.
- 论述了《中学生》、《国文月刊》为代表的开明杂志的特色,通过开明杂志撰稿作者群、撰稿内容的条分缕析,阐发了开明同人对文学、教育两者并重的旨趣。
- 25. The coterie magazine had acted an very important role in Wusi times, the relationships tangled with Wusi culture enabled itself to have the unprecedented complexity and the born vulnerability.
- 同人杂志在五四时期扮演了至关重要的角色,它与五四文化这种纠结的关系使其本身具有空前的复杂性和与生俱来的脆弱性。
- 26. The coterie magazine had acted an very important role in Wusi times, the relationships tangled with Wusi culture enabled itself to have the unprecedented complexity and the born vulnerability.
- 同人杂志在五四时期扮演了至关重要的角色,它与五四文化这种纠结的关系使其本身具有空前的复杂性和与生俱来的脆弱性。