- 1. How do you evaluate the corgi grooming in the show?
- 您怎样评价此次比赛中柯基的美容?
- 2. I sure do. As a matter of fact, I have a corgi at home.
- 当然喜欢!事实上,我家里有一只威尔斯·柯基犬呢。
- 3. This depicts a Pembroke Welsh Corgi with heavy but acceptable white markings.
- 它有太多的白色斑纹但还可以接受。
- 4. Still others, such as the collie and the Welsh corgi, can herd farm or range animals.
- 还有一些,如牧羊犬和威尔士·科基犬,可以放牧农场或各种动物。
- 5. A mismark is a very serious color fault in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi for the show ring.
- 错误的标记在比赛是很严重的错误。
- 6. This photo depicts a champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi male which clearly depicts the sable and white color.
- 这张图片是一只PWC冠军公犬,它有明显的貂色和白色。
- 7. He was a lovely, balanced dog with the essential breed characteristics that make up a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
- 那是一只可爱的,平衡的柯基,身上具有彭布鲁克·柯基所应有的基本的犬种特征。
- 8. If time permits, we can proceed to visit Corgi, guests will have opportunity to buy the finest knitwear products.
- 如果时间允许,我们将可以参观威尔士矮脚狗,有机会去买一些毛织类的商品。
- 9. Although my Corgi that's lying at my feet right now thinks that would be the best thing that ever happened to her.
- 尽管如此,此刻卧在我脚边的Corgi还是会认为,最美好的事情有时会发生在它的身上。
- 10. If you have a Corgi that is difficult to keep in coat, having already ruled out physical problems, you may need to address what you are feeding him.
- 如果你有一只柯基,那么保持他的外表是很困难的,已经排除了自然的问题,你需要忙于你给他喂什么。
- 11. I didn't have a lot of Pembrokes shown to me, but of those shown, the young man who handled the BIS Corgi in Nanning did a lovely job in presenting his dog.
- 我感觉并没有太多的柯基参加比赛。不过在这些比赛中,牵引南宁BIS的那位指导手很出色滴展示了他的犬只。
- 12. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi hails from Pembrokeshire, Wales, where, according to legend, it served as a steed for fairies (hence the saddle-like pattern on its coat).
- 彭布洛克威尔士科基犬,产自威尔士的彭布罗克郡。 当地流传着这样一个传说,威尔士柯基犬是精灵的坐骑,因此在它们的皮毛上才会有马鞍状的图案。
- 13. First Kate Middleton's parents stocked corgi-themed cake toppers and Britannia scratch CARDS, now Prince Charles's official shop is selling a jigsaw featuring Prince William and his fiancee.
- 继凯特的父母推出小狗主题蛋糕装饰和“大不列颠”刮刮卡后,威廉王子之父查尔斯的官方网店也推出了威廉和凯特的主题拼图。
- 14. First Kate Middleton's parents stocked corgi-themed cake toppers and Britannia scratch CARDS, now Prince Charles's official shop is selling a jigsaw featuring Prince William and his fiancee.
- 继凯特的父母推出小狗主题蛋糕装饰和“大不列颠”刮刮卡后,威廉王子之父查尔斯的官方网店也推出了威廉和凯特的主题拼图。