- 1. Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.
- 预报本周末天气较凉。
- 2. As they climbed higher, the air became cooler.
- 他们攀登得越高,空气就变得越凉爽。
- 3. They took a cooler full of drinks to the beach.
- 他们把冷藏箱装满饮料带到了海滩。
- 4. The water was slightly cooler than a child's bath.
- 这水比小孩子的洗澡水稍微凉一点。
- 5. Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.
- 我们往地窖中下得越深,里面就越冷、越潮湿。
- 6. There was a forecast of cooler weather toward the end of the week.
- 天气预报说接近周末时天气会更凉爽。
- 7. Do you really want the cooler car instead of the safer one?
- 你真的想要一辆更酷的汽车来代替一辆更安全的吗?
- 8. There are colorful leaves and cooler nights at this time of a year.
- 每年的这个时候都有五颜六色的树叶和凉爽的夜晚。
- 9. Red and brown dwarfs are smaller and cooler than our Sun and do not shine brightly.
- 红矮星和褐矮星比我们的太阳更小、更冷,且不会发出明亮的光芒。
- 10. Light coloured, light weight clothes feel cooler in the sun than dark, heavy clothing.
- 浅色、重量轻的衣服在阳光下比深色、厚重的衣服感觉更凉爽。
- 11. In the troposphere, the air at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it.
- 在对流层中,高海拔地区的空气通常比低海拔地区的空气冷。
- 12. With autumn coming on, the days are getting cooler and the leaves are beginning to turn yellow.
- 随着秋天的到来,天气变得更冷了,并且树叶开始变黄了。
- 13. Since cold air sinks, and these spots are shaded, they are usually much cooler than the surrounding area.
- 由于冷空气下沉,这些斑点被遮蔽,它们通常比周围的地区要冷得多。
- 14. Translocating threatened species to a cooler place, to higher latitudes or higher elevations, for example.
- 将受威胁的物种迁移到较冷的地方,例如高纬度或高海拔地区。
- 15. As the Moon grew cooler and less elastic, rebound from large impactors would have been only partial and incomplete.
- 随着月球变得越来越冷,越来越没有弹性,来自大型冲击体的回弹变得不完整。
- 16. When you are packing food for a picnic, place cold food in a cooler with plenty of ice or commercial freezing gels.
- 当您为野餐包装食品时,把冷的食物放在一个有大量的冰的冷却器或商业冻结凝胶中。
- 17. You may be one of those guys who thinks there's nothing cooler than a superhero brooding on a rooftop or cathedral spire.
- 也许你也是那种认为没有什么比超级英雄在屋顶或教堂塔尖上沉思更酷的人。
- 18. For cooler (blue or green) light, you'll tell the camera to warm things up, and in warm light, you'll tell it to cool down.
- 对于较冷的光源(蓝或绿色),你会让相机给照片增加暖色,而在暖光源下,你要让它给照片降温。
- 19. As we climbed up the hill, the air grew cooler and the Indian girls on the road wore shawls over their heads and shoulders.
- 在我们向山上爬行的过程中,空气变得凉爽起来,路上的印第安姑娘都披着披肩。
- 20. Russian and American spacecraft also found hints that its ancient climate might have been wetter, cooler, and possibly even friendly to life.
- 俄罗斯和美国的宇宙飞船还发现了一些迹象,表明火星古代的气候可能更湿润、更凉爽,甚至可能更适合生命生存。
- 21. The mantle's motions, analogous to those in a pot of boiling water, cool the mantle by carrying hot material to the surface and returning cooler material to the depths.
- 地幔的运动类似于一壶沸水的运动,它把热的物质带到表面,再把较冷的物质带到深处,从而使地幔冷却。
- 22. Because the latitudinal position of an island also affected its biotic mix, islands in cooler latitudes did not support some tropical species typical of the Pacific islands.
- 因为一个岛屿的纬度位置也影响了它的生物组合,所以在较冷的纬度上的岛屿不支持一些太平洋岛屿典型的热带物种。
- 23. Over a period of about 100,000 years, while the seas pulled back, climates around the world became dramatically more extreme: warmer days, cooler nights; hotter summers, colder winters.
- 在大约10万年的时间里,当海水退去,世界各地的气候变得更加极端:白天更暖和,夜晚更凉爽;夏天更热,冬天更冷。
- 24. It was a story they'd shared around the water cooler.
- 这件事是同事之间闲谈时听来的
- 25. It was cooler here, and there was dampness in the air.
- 以前这儿更凉爽,而且空气中有潮气。
- 26. The movie makes for great conversation at the water cooler.
- 这本电影是在工作场所闲聊的极好的谈资。
- 27. Actually, it is cooler than that in Guiyang.
- 实际上,那里的天气比贵阳凉快。
- 28. You may look cooler with a mask on!
- 你戴上口罩可能看起来更酷!
- 29. My mother is cool—much cooler than most people.
- 我妈妈很酷,比大多数人都酷。
- 30. My mother is cool—much cooler than most people.
- 我妈妈很酷,比大多数人都酷。