- 1. Skim the jam and let it cool.
- 撇去果酱上的浮沫,让它冷却。
- 2. I felt a current of cool air.
- 我感觉到了一阵凉风。
- 3. We found a cool place to sit.
- 我们找了一个凉快的地方坐下来。
- 4. My doctor is a real cool dude.
- 我的医生真是个酷男人。
- 5. Bev was really cool about it all.
- 贝文对这整件事真的很冷静。
- 6. It's OK—hang loose and stay cool.
- 没事儿,你要镇定,要冷静。
- 7. Drain the meat and allow it to cool.
- 把肉晾干,让它冷却。
- 8. We ped into the river to cool off.
- 我们一头跳进河里,凉快一下。
- 9. Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.
- 咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。
- 10. She seemed very cool and unemotional.
- 她显得十分冷静。
- 11. The quick handshake was firm and cool.
- 那次迅速的握手有力而冷静。
- 12. He is a suave, cool, and cultured man.
- 他是一个圆滑、冷酷、有教养的人。
- 13. The house was refreshingly cool inside.
- 屋内清凉宜人。
- 14. She walked into the cool of the hallway.
- 她走入了凉爽的过道。
- 15. The whole effect is cool, light, and airy.
- 整体印象是凉爽、明亮和通风。
- 16. That's a cool hat.
- 那是一顶很酷的帽子。
- 17. You look pretty cool with that new haircut.
- 你新剪的发型真酷。
- 18. We've got to give him some time to cool off.
- 我们必须给他时间让他冷静下来。
- 19. The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions.
- 这种植物最适合在阴凉、潮湿的环境下生长。
- 20. He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down.
- 他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。
- 21. The path was cool and dark with overhanging trees.
- 小路树木掩映,凉爽幽暗。
- 22. After-sun products will cool and hydrate your skin.
- 晒后护肤品会清凉肌肤并为其补水。
- 23. Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.
- 当然,托马斯冷静、超脱且遇事沉着。
- 24. Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened.
- 她外表冷静,其实内心十分害怕。
- 25. Her handshake was cool and firm.
- 她握手镇定而有力。
- 26. Thank goodness it's cool in here.
- 谢天谢地,这里很凉爽。
- 27. I had a swim to cool down.
- 我游了泳,凉快凉快。
- 28. The room was dim and cool and quiet.
- 这房间昏暗、阴冷且安静。
- 29. The car cost a cool thirty thousand.
- 那辆车花了整整三万。
- 30. A cool breeze made the heat bearable.
- 一阵凉爽的微风使得炎热可以忍受。