- 1. If it was converted into a weapon, where would the vaccines protect the rest of the country come from?
- 如果它被转化成武器,去哪里才能找来保护国家的疫苗呢?
- 2. Newman believes one of the best studies on how cities built for cars might be converted to rail use is The Urban Village report, which used Melbourne as an example.
- 纽曼认为,在如何将为汽车而建的城市转变为轨道交通城市这一方面,《城中村报告》是最出色的研究之一,这份报告以墨尔本作为例证。
- 3. I've converted to organic food.
- 我改吃有机食物了。
- 4. He converted to Christianity that day.
- 那天他改信了基督教。
- 5. He converted to Islam at the age of 16.
- 他在16岁时皈依了伊斯兰教。
- 6. He converted from Christianity to Islam.
- 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。
- 7. We've converted the upstairs into an office.
- 我们把楼上改成了办公室。
- 8. She was soon converted to the socialist cause.
- 她不久便转而献身于社会主义事业了。
- 9. The signal will be converted into digital code.
- 信号将被转变成数字编码。
- 10. We've converted from oil to gas central heating.
- 我们已经把中央供热系统由燃油改成了燃气。
- 11. Many large old houses have been converted into flats.
- 许多大的老房子已改建成单元房。
- 12. The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.
- 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。
- 13. The stables have been imaginatively converted into offices.
- 马房被别出心裁地改成了办公室。
- 14. He was apparently quite converted from his anarchist views.
- 他显然已经从他的无政府主义观点大大地转变了。
- 15. I didn't use to like opera but my husband has converted me.
- 我过去不喜欢歌剧,但我丈夫改变了我。
- 16. McCreary lives in a converted schoolhouse outside Charlottesville.
- 麦克里里住在夏洛茨维尔市外一幢校舍改建的小楼里。
- 17. The less stable compounds were converted into a compound called Delta-A THC.
- 不太稳定的化合物被转变成了一种称为Delta-A THC的化合物。
- 18. He straddles two cultures, having been brought up in the United States and later converted to Islam.
- 他跨越两种文化,从小在美国受教育,后来又改信伊斯兰教。
- 19. He'll be the most converted Toad that ever was before we've done with him!
- 他将是我们要彻底改变托德,不然我们就和他一刀两断!
- 20. In a barn to be converted into a lab, he began foraging for his next big hit.
- 在一个即将被改造成实验室的谷仓里,他开始寻找下一个大热门。
- 21. When we've converted you to a proper point of view we may quit, but not before.
- 当我们把你的观点转变成正确的时候,我们才可能离开,但在那之前不会。
- 22. We video clipped the class as Professor Low taught the NBA students and then converted them to CDs.
- 在Low教授给NBA学生上课时,我们录下整个上课过程,然后刻成光盘。
- 23. In 2006 he converted a powered hang-glider, removing its small combustion engine and replacing it with a battery and an electric motor.
- 2006年,他转向了动力滑翔机,同时把小型内燃机拆了下来,用电池和电动机来替代。
- 24. At each end of the fibre, optical signals must be converted to or from the electrical signals that computers use to process information.
- 在纤维的各端,必须将光信号转换成电信号或者将电信号转换成光信号,计算机用电信号处理信息。
- 25. Perhaps, but after the Games, athlete housing will be converted into vacation homes or shipped to the northlands for student dormitories.
- 或许吧,但奥运会结束后,运动员宿舍将被改造成度假屋,或者被运到北国作为学生宿舍。
- 26. Pocahontas was taken to the settlement at Henrico where she learned English, converted to Christianity, was baptized and christened Rebecca.
- 宝嘉康蒂被带到恩里科的殖民地,在那里,她学会了英语,改信基督教,接受洗礼,更名为丽贝卡。
- 27. Some very ancient sediments were no longer recognizable, having been converted to igneous and metamorphic rocks in the course of mountain building.
- 在造山的过程中,一些非常古老的沉积物已被转化为火成岩和变质岩,已经无法辨认了。
- 28. The cells could be converted into germ cells for use in assisted breeding programmes to help persify the gene pools of endangered species, she says.
- 细胞可以转换成用于协助繁殖项目的生殖细胞,以帮助增加濒危物种基因库里的品种。
- 29. The most basic solution is simply to carefully place windows in a building, so that the sun shines into the building and then it's absorbed and converted into heat.
- 最基本的解决方案就是在建筑中小心地安置窗户,这样阳光就能照进建筑,然后被吸收并转化为热量。
- 30. Glucogenic amino acids can also be converted into glucose, through gluconeogenesis.
- 生糖氨基酸也可以通过糖异生作用转化为葡萄糖。