- 1. The contamination of the ocean around Puget Sound may be just the beginning.
- 普吉特海湾周围海域的污染可能才开始。
- 2. Some people are still suffering ill effects from the contamination of their water.
- 一些人仍在遭受其水质污染的恶果。
- 3. It's not just dropping food on the floor that can lead to bacterial contamination.
- 不仅仅是食物掉在地上会导致细菌污染。
- 4. Not only is the authentic DNA getting washed out, but contamination is getting washed in.
- 不仅正统DNA 被冲洗走了,污染源也被冲洗了进来。
- 5. When you want to study ancient human and Neanderthal remains, there's a big issue of contamination with contemporary human DNA.
- 当你想要研究古人类和尼安德特人的遗骸,一个大问题是当代人类的 DNA 受到的污染。
- 6. "Unfortunately, the federal law and the available federal funding don't get at identifying and reducing sources or contamination," said Toni Glymph.
- “不幸的是,联邦法律和可用的联邦资金并没有用于识别和减少污染源或污染。”托尼·格里夫说。
- 7. No pesticides are used — and there is no risk of contamination with food poisoning bugs.
- 没有使用农药,也就不存在被污染的蔬菜引起中毒的可能。
- 8. "You come out and shower with the suit on to get loose contamination off, take off the suit and then shower again to get it off your skin," he said.
- “你出来了,穿着这套衣服淋浴,以把松散的沾染物冲洗掉。再脱下服装,然后再次淋浴,把沾染物从你的皮肤上洗掉”他说。
- 9. What is clear is that both organic and conventional foods are susceptible to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms at every point in the food chain.
- 不过有一点是很清楚的,无论是有机食品还是常规食品在它们生产链条的每一个环节都有可能被致病微生物污染。
- 10. Changing weather patterns may also put densely populated areas at risk of deadly flooding, along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies.
- 气侯模式的改变会让一些人口稠密的地区面临特大洪灾的危险,伴之而来的是食物和水源的污染。
- 11. Sanitary conditions are controllable within a dehydration pant, whereas in open fields contamination from dust, insects. birds and rodents are major problems.
- 脱水工厂内部的卫生条件是可以控制的,而在旷野上,受灰尘、昆虫、鸟类和齿动物污染是主要问题。
- 12. As urban land becomes increasingly scarce, in the absence of adequate clean-up, pollution incidents associated with land contamination in China are increasing.
- 由于中国的城市土地资源日益稀缺,在没有进行适当环境清理的情况下,由土地污染引发的污染事件时有发生。
- 13. For years the natural gas drilling industry has decried the lack of data that could prove-or disprove-that drilling can cause drinking water contamination.
- 多年来,天然气钻探行业公开反对“钻探导致水质恶化”的谴责,认为没有什么数据能够证明或否认这个结论。
- 14. China has become the second Asian country to halt all imports of pork and egg products from Germany in response to concerns about possible dioxin contamination.
- 中国成为停止从德国进口所有猪肉和蛋制品的第二个亚洲国家。此举是对可能的二恶英污染担忧做出的反应。
- 15. S.Seventh Fleet, stationed 100 miles offshore, repositioned its ships and aircraft after some if its personnel came into contact with radioactive contamination.
- 而原驻扎于离岸100英里处的美国第七舰队在其部分人员将接触放射性污染后重新调整了其船只和飞机的位置。
- 16. S. Seventh Fleet, stationed 100 miles offshore, repositioned its ships and aircraft after some if its personnel came into contact with radioactive contamination.
- 而原驻扎于离岸100英里处的美国第七舰队在其部分人员将接触放射性污染后重新调整了其船只和飞机的位置。
- 17. Long-term storage and improper disposal of this material may result in dioxin release into the environment and the contamination of human and animal food supplies.
- 长期储存以及不当处置这种材料可能导致二恶英泄漏到环境中,导致人类和动物食物污染。
- 18. The industry also is concerned fears of contamination could hurt its sales, especially in Europe, where consumers have been extremely hesitant about biotech foods.
- 有机食品业还担心人们对这种污染的恐惧会严重影响有机产品的销售,特别在欧洲国家,消费者对生物技术食品的选择慎之又慎。
- 19. The MoD launched Project Cleansweep in 2007 to provide "reassurance" that residual contamination at UK sites did not pose a risk to human health or the environment.
- 英国国防部于2007年实施了清扫项目,以使公众确信这些地区的残留污染不会对公民健康和环境造成威胁。
- 20. Furthermore, transport of seafood imports over long distances presents opportunities for contamination and decomposition due to improper handling and refrigeration.
- 此外,进口海鲜长距离的运输过程会由于处理或者制冷出现错误给了微生物污染和分解的机会。
- 21. Good hygienic slaughtering practices reduce the contamination of carcasses by faeces, but will not guarantee the absence of Campylobacter from meat and meat products.
- 良好的卫生屠宰规范可减少粪便对动物尸体造成的污染,但并不会保证在肉类和肉制品中完全没有弯曲杆菌。
- 22. Examples range from contamination of the food or water supply, to high levels of air or noise pollution, a chemical accident, a disease outbreak or a natural disaster.
- 这方面例子的范围包括从食物或水供应的污染,到空气或噪音高度污染、化学事故、疾病暴发或自然灾害。
- 23. In slaughter line operations, clean and unclean operations are physically separated and inpidually manned to avoid contamination of carcasses and edible by-products.
- 在屠宰流水线作业中,清洁区与非清洁区物理隔开并分别配置人员,避免畜体和可食用副产品的相互污染。
- 24. In fact, says Chan, while safety rules are strict, more measures are taken to protect the bacteria from contamination than to protect the researchers from the bacteria.
- 事实上,正如陈汀峰教授所说,尽管有严格的安全措施,但将有更多的措施被用以保护细菌免受污染,而非保护研究人员免受细菌的侵犯。
- 25. The project succeeded in screening 346 sites with potential chemical contamination risks and identifying 58 priority pollution sources for follow-up mitigation actions.
- 通过对346个具有潜在化学污染风险的点进行筛查,这一全球环境基金项目识别出58个重点污染源作为采取后续措施的重点。
- 26. If coverage against other risks is required, such as breakage, leakage, TPND, hook and contamination damages, the extra premium involved would be for the buyer's account.
- 如果要加保其它险别,例如破碎险、渗漏险、盗窃遗失险、钩损和污染险等,额外保险费由买方负担。
- 27. The parameters will help producers control and prevent contamination of ready-to-eat foods with this bacterium that can result in listeriosis, a potentially fatal disease.
- 这些参数将有助于生产商控制和防止即食食品被这种细菌污染,从而导致李斯特菌病这种可能致命的疾病。
- 28. The parameters will help producers control and prevent contamination of ready-to-eat foods with this bacterium that can result in listeriosis, a potentially fatal disease.
- 这些参数将有助于生产商控制和防止即食食品被这种细菌污染,从而导致李斯特菌病这种可能致命的疾病。