- 1. This is a necessary consequence of progress.
- 这是发展的必然后果。
- 2. It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.
- 那是这个决定的必然后果。
- 3. It is a logical consequence of a simple fact.
- 这是一个简单事实所造成的符合逻辑的结果。
- 4. One consequence of global warming is extinction.
- 全球变暖的后果之一是物种灭绝。
- 5. What's the consequence of forming these gas ions?
- 形成这些气态离子的结果是什么呢?
- 6. That is the consequence of its endless evolution.
- 这是其不断进化的结果。
- 7. The "star" was another natural consequence of cinema.
- “明星”的诞生是电影的另一个自然结果。
- 8. The Mole assented heartily; and the Badger in consequence got very friendly with him.
- 鼹鼠莫尔真诚同意;结果,獾子班杰与他相处非常融洽。
- 9. He explains that the disappearance of one animal can have serious consequence to remaining species in that habitat.
- 他解释说,一种动物的消失可能会对该栖息地的其他物种造成严重的后果。
- 10. The unintentional consequence has been to halt the natural eradication of underbrush, now the primary fuel for megafires.
- 意外\的后果是阻止了对灌木丛的天然清理,而它们现在成了超级大火的最主要的燃料。
- 11. The consequence was, that the smaller boys spent their days in terror and suffering and their nights in plotting revenge.
- 结果,小一点的孩子们白天在恐惧和痛苦中度过,晚上则在策划复仇。
- 12. One consequence for coral reefs is that the symbiosis between the corals and algae that constitute a living reef is breaking down.
- 珊瑚礁面临的一个后果是,构成活珊瑚礁的珊瑚和藻类之间的共生关系正在瓦解。
- 13. Sinistral rarity might, then, be a consequence of possible disadvantages conferred by these other concomitant structural features.
- 因此,左撇子的稀少可能是这些其他伴随的构造特征所带来的不利影响的结果。
- 14. Odd though it sounds, cosmicinflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics.
- 宇宙膨胀说虽然听似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上看来可信的推论。
- 15. Structural racism's barriers include "equity inequity", the absence of black capital formation that is a direct consequence of America's history.
- 结构性种族主义的障碍包括“权益的不公”,即黑人基础基金的匮乏是由美国历史问题直接导致的后果。
- 16. Since one consequence of adrenaline release in an animal is an increase in blood glucose levels, we examined the effects of glucose on memory in rats.
- 由于肾上腺素在动物体内释放的结果之一是血糖水平的升高,我们检查了葡萄糖对大鼠记忆的影响。
- 17. One consequence of speculation about the possibility of computer thought was that we were forced to examine with new care the idea of thought in general.
- 对计算机思维的可能性进行推测的一个后果是,我们被迫以新的方式来审视一般的思维概念。
- 18. We face a probable future of nuclear-armed states warring over a scarcity of resources; and that scarcity is largely the consequence of capitalism itself.
- 我们所面对的未来,很可能是核武器大国为资源短缺而战;而这种短缺大部分是资本主义本身的结果。
- 19. The Congress is ignorant of the consequence of fire sale: global helium prices are so artificially deflated that few can be bothered recycling the substance or using it judiciously.
- 国会对廉价出售的后果一无所知:全球氦气价格被人为压低,以至于几乎没有人愿意回收这种物质或明智地使用它。
- 20. IQ could help to bridge the gap and resolve the tremendous uncertainty about how much of what we're seeing is natural capriciousness and how much is the consequence of human activity.
- IQ可以帮助我们缩小这一差距,并解决这种极大的不确定性,即我们所见的现象是自然环境的反复无常还是人类活动的必然后果。
- 21. In fact, price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it requires.
- 事实上,在所有工业化社会中,固定价格都是正常的,因为工业体系本身作为自身发展的结果,毫不费力地提供了它所需要的固定价格。
- 22. Don't worry. It's of no consequence.
- 别担心,这无关紧要。
- 23. The child was born deformed in consequence of an injury to its mother.
- 由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来是畸形。
- 24. Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.
- 合并一事直接导致二百人失去了工作。
- 25. Maternity services were to be reduced as a consequence of falling birth rates.
- 孕产服务因下降的出生率而将被削减。
- 26. His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.
- 他的死纯粹出乎意料,因此还没有为他的替代人定出计划。
- 27. As a consequence, they lag behind other disciplines.
- 因此,他们落后于其他学科。
- 28. Residents' hearts and lungs are affected as a consequence.
- 居民的心脏和肺部因此而受到影响。
- 29. In consequence of his ill health, he lost the opportunity.
- 由于身体欠佳,他失去了这次机会。
- 30. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem.
- 也许是因为这个原因,学校经常否认这个问题。