- 1. Remember to clear concertina sections out when you come back from trips to avoid your unwashed briefs billow out onto the boardroom table.
- 记得出差回来清空检查一下手风琴夹层,避免在会议上找文件时把你未洗的短内裤抖出来。
- 2. The all new collection from Blood Stream, with a 3d concertina background.
- 新收集的所有从血液流,它具有三维手风琴的背景。
- 3. But their words helped Pierce the concrete and concertina wire of the Iron Curtain.
- 但是这些话穿透了铁幕的水泥墙和铁丝网。
- 4. High stone walls topped with snaky concertina wire, set off at intervals by looming guard towers.
- 顶部装着蛇腹式铁丝网的高高的石墙,被渐渐隐现的哨塔隔开。
- 5. That night, after supper, Snow White and the Dwarfs danced and made merry music. Bashful played the concertina.
- 当天晚饭后,白雪公主和小矮人们跳起了欢乐的舞蹈,并且还演奏悦耳的音乐。
- 6. When the door is opened, a warm timber interior is revealed and the view is obscured by a series of concertina timber panels.
- 打开门后,温暖的木质的室内就会从一排像手风琴一样的木板间显露出来。
- 7. The bridge is constructed of 23 aluminium frames which twist in a series of 3.91 degree steps, rotating through 90 degrees from end to end to create a concertina effect.
- 这座桥使用了23根铝制的框架,这些框架均以3.91度逐渐翻转,从一头到另一头翻转完90度。以便营造出一种手风琴的象形效果。
- 8. The bridge is constructed of 23 aluminium frames which twist in a series of 3.91 degree steps, rotating through 90 degrees from end to end to create a concertina effect.
- 这座桥使用了23根铝制的框架,这些框架均以3.91度逐渐翻转,从一头到另一头翻转完90度。以便营造出一种手风琴的象形效果。