- 1. We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time.
- 我们需要通力合作才能按时完成。
- 2. She has begun to make a concerted effort to find a job.
- 她开始尽全力寻找工作。
- 3. Their noise modulated to a concerted menacing growl punctuated by sharp yaps.
- 它们的喧闹声逐渐变为整齐划一的、带有威胁性的吼叫,还夹杂着刺耳的狂吠。
- 4. He made a concerted effort to win me away from my steady, sweet but boring boyfriend.
- 他作了极大的努力把我从踏实、可爱但令人乏味的男友手中赢走。
- 5. Martin Parry, author of the report, says it's time for concerted action by world leaders.
- 这份报道的作者马丁•帕里说是各国领导人采取一致行动的时候了。
- 6. With more scholars coming back from overseas, and with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, we have reasons to expect a faster rejuvenation of this country.
- 随着越来越多的海外学者回国,在全国人民的共同努力下,我们有理由期待这个国家更快的复兴。
- 7. Concerted action alone leads to victory.
- 步调一致才能得胜利。
- 8. It advocates for concerted action based on evidence.
- 该司倡导以证据为基础的一致行动。
- 9. He insists it was a concerted effort by the West to undermine him.
- 他坚持这是西方国家一起在削弱他的地位。
- 10. Mr Mugabe is unlikely to relent unless under serious, concerted pressure.
- 除非多方协调,认真的施加压力,穆加贝先生是不可能软化的。
- 11. She knew this meant she needed to make a concerted effort to speak up.
- 她知道这意味着她需要努力把她知道的表现出来。
- 12. One such concerted effort has been the campaign to free the world from hunger.
- 其中需要协同努力的一件事就是使世界免于饥荒的斗争。
- 13. Concerted action to address these barriers will be critical to further progress.
- 采取协调一致的行动来消除这些障碍将是进一步取得进展的关键。
- 14. On the Libya vote, there was no concerted campaign to persuade Germany, he notes.
- 他认为,在利比亚投票问题上,各国并未为说服德国而共同筹划什么运动。
- 15. As we look to the future, we recognize the imperative for decisive and concerted action.
- 展望未来,我们认识到决定性和协调一致的行动势在必行。
- 16. John whispered back. "All that's required is a concerted effort between two people."
- 约翰低声回答到,“只要两个人共同努力就行了。”
- 17. I believe with concerted efforts of all parties this visit will surely be a great success.
- 我相信,在各方共同努力下,此次访问一定能取得圆满成功。
- 18. It is a concerted attempt to embrace something that was once painful in order to accept it.
- 一致尝试去拥抱曾经的痛苦是为了能接受痛苦。
- 19. Concerted efforts must be made to further improve the teaching and learning of the language.
- 各方必须通力合作,改善语文教学和学习方法。
- 20. Enhanced nuclear security serves the interest of all countries and requires concerted action.
- 加强核安全符合各国共同利益,需要我们携手努力。
- 21. We believe that this summit will be a full success with concerted efforts of all member states.
- 相信在成员国共同努力下,峰会一定会取得圆满成功。
- 22. Climate change is a grave challenge to mankind and calls for a concerted international response.
- 气候变化是全人类面临的重大挑战,需要国际社会合力应对。
- 23. Secretary Napolitano added that vigilance and concerted efforts to contain the disease must continue.
- 纳波利塔诺说,秘书长警惕和协调一致的努力,遏制这一疾病必须继续下去。
- 24. To comprehensively resolve and overcome the crisis calls for concerted efforts and global action.
- 全面化解和战胜危机还需要全球行动、合力应对。
- 25. Leaders expressed full confidence that the crisis could be overcome through such concerted efforts.
- 领导人对通过共同努力克服危机充满信心。
- 26. That's why we need to make concerted efforts to make the next conference in Mexico a bigger success.
- 所以我们必须共同努力,使墨西哥会议取得更加积极的成果。
- 27. We have to make a concerted effort at building and motivating a new generation of scientific talent.
- 我们必须共同努力,造就和激励新一代的科学人才。
- 28. Bond investors expect a concerted effort by the Fed to ward off the risk of deflation, however small.
- 债券投资者希望与美联储联手消除通缩的风险,尽管风险很小。
- 29. Indeed, the past two decades of Chinese policy have been a concerted campaign to make sure it never has to.
- 的确,在过去的二十年里的中国政策就是一种保证这种事情不会发生的合作战役。
- 30. Indeed, the past two decades of Chinese policy have been a concerted campaign to make sure it never has to.
- 的确,在过去的二十年里的中国政策就是一种保证这种事情不会发生的合作战役。