- 1. This method of analysing concepts should seem fairly commonsensical.
- 分析概念的这个方法,看来似乎是相当合乎情理的。
- 2. The commonsensical to do is to cut spending, but nobody wants to cut spending.
- 减少开支才是符合常理的做法,但没人愿意这样做。
- 3. They now offer their cautious, limited, and commonsensical assistance to fully autonomous clients.
- 现在,他们给完全自主的客户提供自己谨慎的、有限度的和通情达理的性治疗帮助。
- 4. Unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated.
- 没受过教育但有基本常识的乡下人能够解决那些困扰渊博的人的问题。
- 5. America is not so exceptional that its people are impervious to the sin of envy, or to commonsensical notions about what is fair.
- 人难免会有嫉妒心,对何为公平都有着常识性的理解,美国人也不例外。
- 6. In my research, I will argue that utilitarianism, contrary to its critics' (mis) conception, has theoretical resources to take full account of commonsensical moral rules.
- 在笔者的研究中,笔者将论证,这种对于效益主义的批判乃是一种误解,效益主义事实上有理论上的资源可以解释日常道德规则。
- 7. His team and its successors here and in Europe proceeded in a commonsensical way: a natural language, they reckoned, is made of a lexicon (a set of words) and a grammar (a set of rules).
- 他的研究小组及其继承人这里和在欧洲进行的常识方式:自然语言,他们觉得,是一个词汇了(一组字)和语法(一套规则)。
- 8. His team and its successors here and in Europe proceeded in a commonsensical way: a natural language, they reckoned, is made of a lexicon (a set of words) and a grammar (a set of rules).
- 他的研究小组及其继承人这里和在欧洲进行的常识方式:自然语言,他们觉得,是一个词汇了(一组字)和语法(一套规则)。