- 1. The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.
- 政府只在战争时期征用船只。
- 2. He decides to commandeer their room.
- 他决定强行占用他们的房间。
- 3. Thin soldier: he said he'd come to commandeer one.
- 瘦士兵:他说他是来抢船的。
- 4. Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough.
- 黑客控制你的电脑已经够糟的了。
- 5. Commandeer unused space in your home to carve out a dedicated work space.
- 在你家征用一个闲置的地方,打造一个专属工作空间。
- 6. Atta's luggage never made it onto the plane which he would commandeer.
- 阿塔的行李不知何故未能上飞机。
- 7. The only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better.
- 独一可以刁悍地并吞一个汉子的回想的,就是活得更好。 。
- 8. Thee only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better.
- 翻译:唯一可以强横地霸占一个男人的回忆的,就是活得更好。
- 9. The workers on the upper floors of the building commandeer the elevators first.
- 建筑高层的员工首先抢占了电梯。
- 10. The organisers set off across London, seeking any open-topped vehicle to commandeer.
- 组织者纷纷出动遍寻伦敦,征募任何趟篷交通工具。
- 11. The organisers set off across London, seeking any open - topped vehicle to commandeer.
- 组织者纷纷出动遍寻伦敦,征募任何趟篷交通工具。
- 12. Accordingly, must press its final utility and value will decide commandeer is compensated.
- 因此,必须按其最终用途和价值来决定征用补偿。
- 13. Those doubts will not stop the crowds turning out for him, even if he fails to commandeer the Brandenburg Gate as his backdrop.
- 这些疑虑不会阻止民众出门投票,即使他未能“征用”勃兰登堡门作为自己的演说台。
- 14. Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough. Now scientists worry that someday, they'll try to take over your brain.
- 黑客强占电脑已经够混蛋的了,现在科学家担心,有一天他们会攻陷你的大脑。
- 15. Love is not dedication, is not given, but commandeer, is selfish and love yourself is to let the person I love, and not choose all means.
- 爱不是奉献,不是给予,而是霸占,是自私,是为了让所爱的人爱自己,而不择一切手段。
- 16. The farmland of commandeer and blame farmland, the document that signs the ground with approval of land government office decides for the basis.
- 征用的耕地与非耕地,以土地治理机关批准征地的文件为依据确定。
- 17. Here, in the almost deserted village, they could commandeer the priest's house and still leave the prisoners something more than a barn or a wall.
- 这里,在这几乎空无一人的村庄里,他们征用了牧师家的房子,给囚犯们提供的住处也比牲口棚和一堵墙要好些的地方。
- 18. A fully grown giant male croc likely would have had to commandeer miles of river territory to regularly find enough prey sustain itself, Sereno explained.
- 塞里诺解释说,一只成年的雄性巨鳄需要占据数英里的河域,它们需要找到足够多的食物来填饱肚子。
- 19. The same industrial control systems Maiffret's team was able to commandeer also run electrical grids, pipelines, chemical plants and other infrastructure.
- 迈弗雷特团队所攻占的工业控制系统,同样也运行着电网、输油管道、化工厂及其他基础设施。
- 20. The next morning, they planned to commandeer a 12-seat airplane, fly it to Sweden and, once there, declare their purpose: to move to Israel, a dream they had long been denied.
- 他们谋划次日早晨劫持一架12座的飞机飞往瑞典,一旦抵达,便表明他们的目的:移居以色列,实现这个他们长久以来被否决的梦想。
- 21. The land of new take over for use, farmland is before commandeer, since the day that approves take over for use oneself royalities of pay town land begins when a year completely ;
- 新征用的土地,征用前是耕地的,自批准征用之日起满一年时开始缴纳城镇土地使用税; 征用前是非耕地的,自批准征用次月起开始缴纳城镇土地使用税。
- 22. So, salmon swim upstream to get to their spawning grounds, and lancet flukes commandeer a passing ant, crawl into its brain, and drive it up a blade of grass like an all-terrain vehicle.
- 鲑鱼会游到河的上游去找寻产卵的地方。而枝双腔吸虫则会钻到蚂蚁的大脑里,操控蚂蚁的大脑,驱赶着蚂蚁爬到草尖上。
- 23. So, salmon swim upstream to get to their spawning grounds, and lancet flukes commandeer a passing ant, crawl into its brain, and drive it up a blade of grass like an all-terrain vehicle.
- 鲑鱼会游到河的上游去找寻产卵的地方。而枝双腔吸虫则会钻到蚂蚁的大脑里,操控蚂蚁的大脑,驱赶着蚂蚁爬到草尖上。