- 1. Do you think it is illegal to run a private columbarium?
- 你认为经营私营骨灰龛场是犯法吗?
- 2. Do you think columbarium will affect your life? (if no, please go to Q. 9)?
- 你认为骨灰龛场会影响你的生活吗?(如果答不,请跳往题9)?
- 3. Do you agree with regulating private columbarium strictly? (If no, please go to Q. 12)?
- 你赞成严格规管私营骨灰龛场吗?(如果答不,请跳往题12)?
- 4. The three rows of columbarium have the same geometry, despite the different material used in each one.
- 三行骨灰龛使用的材料不同,但几何形状都是一样的。
- 5. The new columbarium establishes a new landmark in the surroundings as it satisfies the need of enlargement the cemetery.
- 新的骨灰龛满足了墓园扩建的需求,同时也成为了周围环境里的一个新地碑。
- 6. Shun Tak Holdings, run by a casino-magnate, Stanley Ho, is constructing a columbarium that will provide around 50,000 niches.
- 信德集团,由casino - magnate何鸿燊,正在建设一个可以大约有50000个位置的骨灰堂。
- 7. This can cost as much as HK$200, 000 (US$25, 704) in a private columbarium, but all manner of different deals are on offer depending on the location and the size of the niche.
- 私人骨灰堂的收费可能高达二十万港币(25704美元),但根据存放地点和空间大小不同,有多种价格和优惠可供选择。
- 8. The project is solved with a volume of white concrete formworked with wood boards over the old granite stoned wall as apergola , containing the first row of seven columbarium.
- 项目设计了一个白色混凝土顶盖体量和覆盖在旧花岗岩石墙上作为花架的木板,混凝土顶盖上还设有首行七个骨灰龛。
- 9. About 600 laypeople and nuns attended a memorial service last weekend for remains of revered figures moved to a newly-built columbarium in Wenzhou diocese, eastern Zhejiang province.
- 华东浙江省温州教区的「公开」团体在永嘉铎区马岙村五台山修建的骨灰堂第一期竣工,迁移了原葬于山顶上的已亡神职人员遗骸,并在十一月炼灵月前夕首次举行追思纪念会。
- 10. The surface that encloses the columbarium is set back from its façade allowing a window box with enough space to place flowerplots, not only for small plants, but for all kind of flowers .
- 骨灰龛的表面从立面向后退缩了一些距离,让每个窗格都有足够的空间来种花,这里不仅能种小型植物,而是可以种多种花卉植物。
- 11. The width of the concrete beams are used, in the corten steel box, as metal lockers allowing the storage of cleaning utensils and the water for the flowers and plants placed in the columbarium.
- 在耐候钢的盒子里,混凝土横梁的宽度就像是一个金属储物柜,可用来储存清洁用具以及灌溉骨灰龛内花草的水源。
- 12. The width of the concrete beams are used, in the corten steel box, as metal lockers allowing the storage of cleaning utensils and the water for the flowers and plants placed in the columbarium.
- 在耐候钢的盒子里,混凝土横梁的宽度就像是一个金属储物柜,可用来储存清洁用具以及灌溉骨灰龛内花草的水源。