- 1. They're prepping for college.
- 他们正为上大学做准备。
- 2. Her eldest boy is at college.
- 她的长子在上大学。
- 3. Rice aspired to go to college.
- 赖斯渴望上大学。
- 4. He studied maths at college.
- 他在大学里学过数学。
- 5. Our youngest girl is at college.
- 我们的小女儿在大学读书。
- 6. My son has gone away to college.
- 我儿子上大学去了。
- 7. She lived in a college dormitory.
- 她住在一幢大学宿舍楼里。
- 8. We married in the college chapel.
- 我们在学院的小教堂里结的婚。
- 9. Hallelujah! College days are over!
- 哈里路亚!大学终于上完了!
- 10. She failed to get into art college.
- 她未能进入艺术学院。
- 11. How did you adjust to college life?
- 你是怎么适应大学生活的?
- 12. He was cast as a college professor.
- 他被选扮演大学教授这个角色。
- 13. She's away at college in California.
- 她去加利福尼亚上大学了。
- 14. I worry that I won't get into college.
- 我担心自己进不了大学。
- 15. I studied English and Drama at college.
- 我在大学学的是英语和戏剧。
- 16. Her family founded the college in 1895.
- 她的家族于1895年创办了这所学院。
- 17. He's hoping to go to college next year.
- 他希望明年上大学。
- 18. I dream that my son will attend college.
- 我梦想着我的儿子将来能上大学。
- 19. She and I were contemporaries at college.
- 她和我在大学是同学。
- 20. She and Nancy roomed together at college.
- 她和南希在大学里合住一处。
- 21. She honed her debating skills at college.
- 她在大学时便练就了辩论技巧。
- 22. The college dates back to medieval times.
- 这所学院创办于中世纪。
- 23. Students may not use the college car park.
- 学生不得在学院停车场停车。
- 24. I stumbled into acting when I left college.
- 我从大学出来后无意间进了演艺界。
- 25. I formed many close friendships at college.
- 我大学时结交了许多密友。
- 26. She's at college.
- 她在学院读书。
- 27. What were your first impressions of college?
- 你对大学的第一印象是什么?
- 28. This college has a good academic reputation.
- 这所大学拥有良好的学术声誉。
- 29. I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college.
- 大学毕业时,我打心底里舍不得离去。
- 30. The college graduated 50 students last year.
- 去年这所学院有50名毕业生。