- 1. The Jewish is, indeed, a nation sui generis, the only nation we know of whose records are coetaneous with their primitive origin.
- 犹太人诚然是自成一格的独特民族,而且是我们所知道的唯一的民族,其史迹与其原始的来源属于同一年代。
- 2. Had to the color in the creations through the study of the graduate student stage some realize, the not coetaneous color combine ability the body is a not coetaneous spirit now.
- 经过研究生阶段的学习,在创作中对色彩有了些体会,不同时代的色彩组合就能体现不同时代的精神。
- 3. Had to the color in the creations through the study of the graduate student stage some realize, the not coetaneous color combine ability the body is a not coetaneous spirit now.
- 经过研究生阶段的学习,在创作中对色彩有了些体会,不同时代的色彩组合就能体现不同时代的精神。