- 1. Coeliac disease/ gluten intolerance
- 腹部疾病/麸质不耐受症
- 2. It is the gliadin component of gluten which is responsible for coeliac disease.
- 这是醇溶蛋白的组成部分是负责腹腔疾病。
- 3. It also questions the evidence that introducing solids at four months prevents coeliac disease and allergies.
- 同样被质疑的还有在婴儿四个月时引入固体食品可防止罹患腹腔疾病和过敏症的证据。
- 4. The study also found evidence of a higher incidence of food allergies and a higher risk of developing coeliac disease.
- 研究还发现他们可能会有更高的食物过敏症和腹腔疾病发病率。
- 5. Perhaps the best known of this other group is coeliac disease, an allergy to proteins present in the gluten of wheat, barley and rye.
- 也许最有名的另一组是麸质过敏症,这是一种由小麦、大麦和黑麦麸中存在的蛋白质引起的过敏。
- 6. The medical condition caused by eating gluten and lead to damage of the intestinal lining and inflammation is called Coeliac Disease.
- 医学上一般对因服食麸质而引致之肠道炎症统称为乳糜泻。
- 7. As expected, autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid and coeliac diseases were all more common among those with PBC.
- 正如所料,自身免疫性疾病如风湿性关节炎,甲状腺和腹腔疾病,都在PBC患者中普遍存在。
- 8. Food allergy should not be confused with 'food intolerance', of which the best-defined with an immunological component is the gluten intolerance syndrome coeliac disease.
- 食物过敏不能和食物不耐症混为一谈,在后者之中,用免疫学最好的定义了的一种病是麸质不耐症乳糜泄。
- 9. Some diseases prominent within the European population that could see Numbers drop as mixed-race grow are cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
- 一些欧洲人种中显著的疾病很可能因为混血人种的增多而大大的减少,比如囊胞性纤维症,乳糜泄,肌肉萎缩症还有血友病。
- 10. Qualitative analysis showed that the T1WI was the best sequence for demonstrating the splenic vein and could clearly show the superior mesenteric vessels. The portal vein and the coeliac artery.
- 定性分析表明,T1WI显示脾静脉最好,且能同时清楚显示肠系膜上血管、门静脉和腹腔动脉。
- 11. Qualitative analysis showed that the T1WI was the best sequence for demonstrating the splenic vein and could clearly show the superior mesenteric vessels. The portal vein and the coeliac artery.
- 定性分析表明,T1WI显示脾静脉最好,且能同时清楚显示肠系膜上血管、门静脉和腹腔动脉。