- 1. St-Germain becomes ubiquitous and it has won fans thanks to a light, flowery taste that is not as cloying as, say, a litchi martini.
- 圣日耳曼变得无处不在,它清淡、绚丽的味道不像荔枝马蒂尼那样令人生厌,因此赢得了众多粉丝。
- 2. Most TV kids are so cloying.
- 电视上的大部分童星都太让人腻烦。
- 3. These constructs soon become cloying and distracting.
- 这些东西很快就变得倒胃口,令人心神不宁。
- 4. Sheldon: Ah, then you may find Zazzles a little cloying.
- 谢尔顿:你会发现犀利哥有点烦人。
- 5. His particular trademark is a cute and cloying sentimentality.
- 他独特的标志是做作的、让人反感的多愁善感。
- 6. She criticized what she described as the film's cloying sentimentality .
- 她批评这部影片如她所说的令人倒胃口的伤感情调。
- 7. The sweeter the wine, the more acidity is needed to stop it being cloying.
- 酒越甜,就需要越多的酸,以防止酒太腻。
- 8. What's best about the snack is its sweet-but-not-cloying and fatty-but-not - greasy taste.
- 这个小吃最棒的地方是甜而不过,油而不腻。
- 9. Here is where I beg, in cloying tones, that we teach the children to learn from these mistakes.
- 我能做的只是苦口婆心地教育孩子们从我的错误中吸取教训。
- 10. The levels of darkness were at times so powerful and cloying, that the task looked far from easy.
- 黑暗的程度此时是如此强大并使人厌烦,任务看起来远非容易。
- 11. You reset your taste buds. Sugar becomes cloying; processed industrial vegetable oil tastes unnatural.
- 重新感觉的你的味觉。糖变得反胃,精加工的植物油尝起来非自然。
- 12. Encountered in the reality of love, is not cloying sweet, is bitter bitterness, and I'm more eager to plain.
- 现实中遇到的爱情,不是甜的发腻,就是苦得心酸,而我更渴望平平淡淡。
- 13. The entire city is shrouded in a sickly miasma of yellow-brown dust that gets under eyelids and contact lenses and is cloying in the throat.
- 整个城市笼罩在飞扬着黄褐色尘土的污浊空气中,让人睁不开眼睛。
- 14. Unlike Mr Bush, who looked into Vladimir Putin’s eyes and got “a sense of his soul”, Mr Obama was not gulled into giving Russian leaders cloying praise.
- 布什从普金眼中看出“心灵的感知力”,奥巴马并不像他一样,对俄罗斯首领大放奉承之辞。
- 15. Unlike Mr Bush, who looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes and got "a sense of his soul", Mr Obama was not gulled into giving Russian leaders cloying praise.
- 布什从普金眼中看出“心灵的感知力”,奥巴马并不像他一样,对俄罗斯首领大放奉承之辞。
- 16. At night, when the sea breeze isn't blowing inland, Juan-les-Pins smells faintly like North Africa, a combination of diesel, dust, cooking oil and cloying flowers.
- 到了夜里,海风不再吹向内陆的方向,瑞昂莱潘的味道变得像北非一般令人晕眩,混杂着柴油、尘土、食用油和甜得发腻的花香。
- 17. To ex-subjects of the Soviet imperium, talk of officially encouraged admiration for “fraternal” nations, laced with displays of embroidery, cuisine and folk-dancing, sounds cloying.
- 对于前苏联国民来说,对于兄弟国家间兄弟情谊的官方赞赏言论,并加以粉饰加工,还有民间舞蹈相映衬,听起来真是倒人胃口。
- 18. Againye tried to be a good nurse, attentive but not cloying, fetching me a stool to use while I bathed from a bucket and petting my head as I napped, saying, “Pain you well well” in soothing pidgin.
- 他替我拿来一个板凳,方便我在水桶里洗澡时使用,又在我打盹时摩挲着我的头,用令人宽心的混杂语言说道:“生病了,你要完全好起来啊。”
- 19. Againye tried to be a good nurse, attentive but not cloying, fetching me a stool to use while I bathed from a bucket and petting my head as I napped, saying, “Pain you well well” in soothing pidgin.
- 他替我拿来一个板凳,方便我在水桶里洗澡时使用,又在我打盹时摩挲着我的头,用令人宽心的混杂语言说道:“生病了,你要完全好起来啊。”