- 1. He is in the climactic moments of his career.
- 他正处于事业的顶峰阶段。
- 2. We whomped our arch rival in the season's climactic football game.
- 我们在该季最精彩足球赛中打败了我们主要的对手。
- 3. In a climactic battle, the two master combatants displayed amazing speed and agility.
- 在这场激烈的交锋里,两位大师级的斗士展示出了惊人的速度和敏捷。
- 4. France has a particular blend of climactic conditions and land that is difficult to reproduce elsewhere.
- 法国有个不同的气候条件和土地很难重现其它地方的独特的混合。
- 5. Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions.
- 处在低洼的恒河—雅鲁藏布江三角洲地区,孟加拉国坐落在具有形成完美风暴的条件下。
- 6. In the first account in Genesis 1, the creation of human is clearly the climactic pine act: after this God can rest.
- 在《创世纪》第一章中的第一种描述,人类的创造是上帝最具神性的行为:,在此之后神便可安息。
- 7. In the final war on Earth, two sides struggled against each other in a desperate, climactic battle far above the planet.
- 在最后一战对地球上,敌我双方的斗争,对方绝望,气候战役远远高于这个星球。
- 8. Einstein's climactic fourth lecture at the Prussian Academy, on Nov. 25, was titled "the Field Equations of Gravitation".
- 爱因斯坦第四次在普鲁士科学院的顶级演讲于11月25日被冠名为《引力场方程》。
- 9. The climactic conference approved a draft of the treaty that is expected to go to the member states for ratification next year.
- 译文: 这次标志着大功告成的会议通过了条约草案,这一草案可望于明年递交各会员国批准。
- 10. Conclusion Bilateral ovariectomy may affect the climactic symptoms in post-menopausal women, especially in early menopausal period.
- 结论双侧卵巢切除对绝经后妇女的绝经期症状有不同程度的影响,对绝经早期妇女的影响较为明显。
- 11. So in the backdrop of global warming and other climactic abnormalities, we all are always hoping for a climactically pleasant place to live in.
- 所以在全球气候变暖和其他高发性气候异常背景之下,我们一直希望有一个极其舒适的地方去居住。
- 12. With the World Cup nearing a climactic showdown and Tour de France in full swing, our television screens feature a decidedly international flair.
- 随着世界杯决赛的日渐临近,环法自行车赛也正如火如荼地进行着,全球民众都守在电视机旁观看这些世界级的赛事。
- 13. In fact, Chile is a dream place for meteorology buffs, with no less than seven distinct climactic types. All this within the same country borders.
- 实际上,对气象学迷来说,智利可谓一个梦想的国度,在这个国家的疆域里有不下七种差别分明的气候类别。
- 14. The climactic showdown in Cuba, where many of the book's themes come together, is a good example of the authors' skill at bringing complex events to life.
- 高潮迭起的古巴事件,许多场景交替登场,展示了作者将复杂事件描述地活灵活现,显示出深厚的功底。
- 15. “There is a whole transportation infrastructure that is developed on the climate of the past, ” said Tom Karl, head of NOAA’s National Climactic Data Center.
- 国家海洋和大气管理局国家气象数据中心主管汤姆卡尔说,“有一个根据过去气候情况所建的完整运输基础设施。”
- 16. Grins broke out in the audience during the climactic passage where the pianist pounds the lower end of the instrument in tandem with the timpani and bass drum.
- 笑着爆发出观众在气候通过那里钢琴家磅的低端仪器结合定音鼓和低音鼓。
- 17. According to the release intensity of the cortex vesicles, cortical reaction can be pided into the latent period, development period, climactic period, declining period.
- 根据皮层小泡释放强度,可将皮层反应分为潜伏期、发展期、高潮期、衰退期四个时期。
- 18. Finally, after reaching a climactic stalemate, Ari finds an unexpected solution to their love affair - a private world where reality and fantasy mesh into a strange harmony.
- 最后,到达一个无法收拾的局面,矣华竟做了一个意料外的决定—一个将幻想与现实融合的秘密世界。
- 19. Jules: And it originates I think in India but they, I think the underlying idea is that because yoga originates in India that we should practice yoga in the same climactic conditions.
- 朱尔斯:我认为高温瑜珈起源于印度,基本思想是因为瑜珈起源于印度,所以我们应该在和印度同样的气候条件下做瑜珈。
- 20. Also among his grandfather's papers is what Mark Logue believes is the actual copy of the speech George VI read at the outbreak of war with Germany 1939 — the climactic scene of the movie.
- 在这些流传下来的材料中,还有一份被MarkLogue认为就是1939年英德开战时乔治六世发表的演讲原稿,这一幕在电影《国王的演讲》中也有出现。
- 21. The existing problems are pointed out and new cognition about the presupposition of climactic compound sentence is presented on the basis of summarizing and inheriting the former research.
- 在总结和继承前人研究成果的基础上,指出存在的不足,提出了对递进复句预设的新的认识。
- 22. Later, he led a corps in one of its climactic campaigns, against Vicksburg, Mississippi, and he commanded a federal army in the last battle of the war in the East, at Bentonville, North Carolina.
- 之后他率一个团参与了攻打密西西比州的维克斯堡的重大战役,他也加入了东部的最后一役,攻占北卡罗莱纳州的本顿维尔市。
- 23. The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.
- 该项目的最重要的阶段将在2012年至2010年南极的夏天,那时Ells worth湖首份冰河时期的数据报告将完成。
- 24. The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.
- 该项目的最重要的阶段将在2012年至2010年南极的夏天,那时Ells worth湖首份冰河时期的数据报告将完成。