- 1. Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon.
- 在一个梦幻的下午休息时间的城市巡行。
- 2. Since vegetable growth, along with all life, extends itself in spiral motion, it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer, just as price and time do on Gann's calculators.
- 这个宇宙人在格子中旋转,并象蔬菜生长一样,在螺旋运动中使自己变大变强壮,这不就是江恩所说的时间和代价的运动吗?
- 3. Since vegetable growth, along with all life, extends itself in spiral motion, it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer, just as price and time do on Gann's calculators.
- 这个宇宙人在格子中旋转,并象蔬菜生长一样,在螺旋运动中使自己变大变强壮,这不就是江恩所说的时间和代价的运动吗?