- 1. I'm waiting for clearance from headquarters.
- 我在等待总部的录用审查许可。
- 2. The pilot was waiting for clearance for take-off.
- 飞行员在等待起飞的许可。
- 3. They have to wait for clearance from air traffic control.
- 他们必须等待空中交通管制队下达的起降许可令。
- 4. The U.N. pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.
- 联合国承诺帮助监督扫雷工作。
- 5. Thai Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land.
- 泰国航空公司说该飞机已经被授予了着陆的官方许可。
- 6. The pilot was given clearance to land by air traffic control.
- 飞行员得到空中交通管制站发出的着陆许可。
- 7. All employees at the submarine base require security clearance.
- 所有潜水艇基地的雇员必须得到安全部门的审查许可方可录用。
- 8. Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees.
- 清理这一场所需要移走不少树。
- 9. There is not much clearance for vehicles passing under this bridge.
- 车辆在这座桥下通过时没有多少余隙。
- 10. He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.
- 他有安全许可,这准许他接触机密。
- 11. To enter Class B airspace, such as an approach to a major metropolitan airport, an explicit ATC clearance is required.
- 需要持有明确的空中交通管制许可才能进入B类空域,如接近一个大都会机场。
- 12. The unprecedented land clearance released vast quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, triggering for the first time humanly caused global warming.
- 空地的规模史无前例,它们将大量的二氧化碳气体释放到了大气中,因而引发了第一次人为导致的全球变暖。
- 13. An e-mail to the network from Janet Anderson, director of the EPA's bio pesticides pision, says "there is no record of a review and/or clearance to field test" the organism.
- 环保署生物杀虫剂部门主管珍妮特·安德森发给该网络的一封电子邮件表示,“没有对这种生物进行审查和/或野外测试的记录。”
- 14. The goods are at clearance prices.
- 这批商品正在清仓大拍卖。
- 15. The facilitating agencies expedite the clearance of international cargo.
- 中介机构加快国际货物清关。
- 16. I'll take a clearance deal another day.
- 这样的话,我要在另外一天清仓处理。
- 17. We'll publish these as soon as we have clearance.
- 一旦获得批准,我们将会尽快把他公布出来。
- 18. Get clearance before making major design changes.
- 在进行主要的设计变更之前进行清理。
- 19. But America said its planes had not yet received clearance.
- 但是美国说他们的飞机还没有得到入境许可。
- 20. New roads and railways, plus faster customs clearance, all help.
- 新建公路铁路,外加快速通关,都有用。
- 21. Many of its stores are now shedding inventory in clearance sales.
- 其旗下许多书店正处理存货,正进大甩卖。
- 22. Yet in the national accounts the clearance is recorded as progress.
- 但在国民账户上,这些“清理运动”被记录为“进步”。
- 23. It does not yet have American permission to stage customs clearance.
- 美国还没同意实行海关放行。
- 24. Most clearance racks offer variety, current trends, and great value.
- 大多数清仓甩卖会都会给你带来多品种、流行而又超值的物品。
- 25. For example, the highlighted category with id 2 is the Clearance category.
- 例如,带有id2的突出显示的种类是Clearance种类。
- 26. Clearance: This prepackaged Rails solution helps with user authentication.
- Clearance:这是一个预打包的Rails解决方案,有助于用户身份验证。
- 27. Jack gives Wilson a clearance code to access the video's digital backup.
- 杰克给了威尔逊一个准许代码,查找视频数码备份文件。
- 28. Jack gives Wilson a clearance code to access the video's digital backup.
- 杰克给了威尔逊一个准许代码,查找视频数码备份文件。