- 1. I've joined an aerobics class.
- 我参加了有氧健身班。
- 2. Paula is the star of the class.
- 葆拉是班里的尖子。
- 3. The class burst out laughing.
- 全班爆发出笑声。
- 4. He's the slowest in the class.
- 他是班里最迟钝的。
- 5. He forbids any talking in class.
- 他严禁课堂上讲话。
- 6. She is the youngest in her class.
- 她在班里年龄最小。
- 7. The class needs waking up.
- 应该让这个班活跃起来。
- 8. I'm taking a typing class.
- 我在上一个打字班。
- 9. He was always bottom of the class.
- 他总是班上的最后一名。
- 10. He's always cutting class.
- 他总是旷课。
- 11. The class reassembled after lunch.
- 午饭后,全班同学又集合起来。
- 12. When does the class start?
- 什么时候上课?
- 13. She keeps good discipline in class.
- 她严格执行课堂纪律。
- 14. Miss another class and you'll fail.
- 你再缺一次课就会不及格了。
- 15. Each class is 45 minutes in length.
- 每一节课为45分钟。
- 16. The food was first-class.
- 这些食物是一流的。
- 17. He came top of the class.
- 他在全班名列前茅。
- 18. Class numbers vary between 25 and 30.
- 班级的数目从25到30不等。
- 19. First class costs more.
- 第一类邮件邮资较高。
- 20. I was late for a class.
- 我上课迟到了。
- 21. My math class is worth three credits.
- 我的数学课为三个学分。
- 22. We dissected a frog in biology class.
- 我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。
- 23. At 12 o'clock the class was dismissed.
- 12点下课了。
- 24. This isn't your typical economics class.
- 这不是人们所认为的典型的经济学课。
- 25. She decided to skip the afternoon's class.
- 她决定下午的课不去上了。
- 26. His informants were middle-class professional women.
- 他的合作者是中产阶级职业妇女。
- 27. His uncontrolled behaviour disturbed the entire class.
- 他不加约束的行为扰乱了全班。
- 28. We always travel first class.
- 我们总坐头等舱旅行。
- 29. They voted along class lines.
- 他们按各社会等级进行投票。
- 30. Her family is very upper class.
- 她的家庭地位显赫。