- 1. I heard a door clank shut.
- 我听见门咣的一声关上了。
- 2. The clank of metal upon stone.
- 金属撞在石头上的当啷声。
- 3. There was a metallic clank.
- 有一个金属铮铮。
- 4. I heard the clank of buckets as the farm workers went to milk the cows.
- 我听到农场工人去挤牛奶时牛奶桶发出的当啷声。
- 5. Because they have forgotten the fact that an iron clank: we are all mortal.
- 因为他们都忘记了一个铁铮铮的事实:我们都是凡人。
- 6. The hero in her novels have not only the clank of lofty character, but also tender passion.
- 她的小说中的那些男主人公们,往往都是既有铮铮的铁骨,同时又有深深的柔情。
- 7. The clank of the wooden spoon hitting his rings had played in unison with the change rattling in the teapot.
- 木调羹打在那人戒指上的声音与茶壶里零钱掉落的声音非常和谐。
- 8. just one set of double doors away from berry's office are the whir, clank, cha-ching and other industrial music put out by the eight slinky machines.
- 离贝蒂办公室只有一门之隔的地方,8台斯林克玩具生产机器正在发出呼呼,当啷和叮咚的声音以及其他工业生产时发出的乐音。
- 9. The battlefield was silent. The only sounds were the whisper of wind through dry grass and the muted clank of weapons as soldiers stirred upon the walls.
- 战场一片寂静,只有风刮过干草发出的飒飒声和在城墙上巡逻的士兵的武器发出的沙哑的叮当声。
- 10. Metal rollers clank rhythmically inside the Imperial Distributors warehouse, as employees slide boxes packed with health and beauty products down the lines.
- 帝国经销公司的仓库里,随着员工把装满保健美容产品的箱子从货运线上拖下来,金属滚轴有节奏地叮当作响。
- 11. Yes, they are arrogant, and they did not cover up the arrogance, no posturing, but with their heads held high clank stand, proud and frankly people's eyes to bear.
- 是的,它们是高傲的,它们也并没有掩饰傲气,也没有故作姿态,只是凭着自己的铮铮铁骨昂首挺立,骄傲地、坦然地承受人们的目光。
- 12. They crack loud jokes, they crack their knuckles, they crackle their chewing gum, they clank spoons in coffee cups like they're calling the cows to come in from the fields.
- 他们大声地说笑话、大声地弄得关节吱吱作响、大声地嚼口香糖、大声地搅拌杯子里的咖啡,就好像他们想把田野里的牛叫进来一样。
- 13. This is the most striking moment: the chapel-like height of the room and the clank of the chains; the way the corpses swing and twitch; and the blood splashing into the gullies below.
- 这个是最震惊的时刻:在有着教堂一样高度的房间里,铁链铮铮,抽搐的尸体,还有流入沟槽中的血液。
- 14. Although the performance was going on he walked lightly, without haste, along the carpeted corridor, holding his scented, handsome head high, and accompanied by a slight clank of spurs and sword.
- 尽管他们正在表演,他还是从容不迫地、轻轻地碰着马刺和马刀,发出叮当的响声,他高高地抬起他那洒上香水的好看的头,从走廊的地毯上走过去。
- 15. Goat of the night: Peja Stojakovic didn't clank a corner jumper off the side of the backboard in crunch time, as he did when he was with the Kings, but he didn't exactly distinguish himself in Game 7.
- 当晚的替罪羊:最后时刻,佩贾错失底角的一次投篮。他在与国王的比赛中在那个角度投进过一个球,不过显然他没有意识到那是第七场生死战。
- 16. Goat of the night: Peja Stojakovic didn't clank a corner jumper off the side of the backboard in crunch time, as he did when he was with the Kings, but he didn't exactly distinguish himself in Game 7.
- 当晚的替罪羊:最后时刻,佩贾错失底角的一次投篮。他在与国王的比赛中在那个角度投进过一个球,不过显然他没有意识到那是第七场生死战。