- 1. He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
- 他最终被推翻,国家陷入了混乱。
- 2. That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
- 那是一个摧毁经济、制造混乱的注定因素。
- 3. The storms and torrential rain caused traffic chaos across the country.
- 暴风雨和倾盆大雨造成了全国的交通混乱。
- 4. The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.
- 世界首次横渡大西洋的气球比赛昨晚在混乱中结束了。
- 5. Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
- 量子力学和混沌理论都指出世界处在不断变化中。
- 6. The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos.
- 敦促全体国民同心协力,避免陷入全面的混乱之中。
- 7. We're in a state of complete chaos here and I need a little time to sort myself out.
- 我们这儿处于一片混乱之中,我需要一些时间让自己平静下来。
- 8. The streets are wedged solid with the chaos of poorly regulated parking and near-constant traffic gridlock.
- 由于管理不当的乱停车以及不断的交通阻塞,街道被堵得严严实实。
- 9. At the doors of the auditorium, chaos reigns.
- 在礼堂的门前,一片混乱。
- 10. Can you tell me who is to blame for this chaos?
- 你能告诉我是谁造成了这场混乱吗?
- 11. When they mass strand—it's complete panic and chaos.
- 当(动物们)聚集在一起的时候,情况就会变得非常恐慌和混乱。
- 12. In reality, your brain operates on the edge of chaos.
- 事实上,你的大脑在混乱的边缘运行。
- 13. After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.
- 停电后,城市一片混乱。
- 14. Kathy, chaos theory seems to be a branch of physics or mathematics.
- 凯西,混沌理论好像是物理学还是数学的一个分支。
- 15. In her works, the spiraling spindle represented the beginning of chaos.
- 在她的作品中,螺旋形的纺锤代表了混乱的开始。
- 16. He went tearing around the house again spreading chaos and destruction in his path.
- 他在屋子里到处乱闯,所到之处,一片混乱和破坏。
- 17. Beethoven's music tends to move from chaos to order as if order were an imperative of human existence.
- 贝多芬的音乐往往从混乱走向有序,仿佛有序是人类生存的必要条件。
- 18. In the 1990s, many economists began to look at chaos theory as a way of providing models for forecasting.
- 上世纪90年代,许多经济学家开始将混沌理论视为一种提供预测模型的方法。
- 19. It is the most amazing image because amidst of all this chaos is this image of someone sitting there, breathing.
- 这是最令人惊奇的画面,因为在这一片混乱中,有一个人坐在那里,呼吸着。
- 20. Whilst chaos and upheaval reigns in the college, what of the chaos and noise that local residents are subjected to ?
- 当混乱和动荡笼罩着学院的时候,当地的居民们又会遭受怎样的混乱和喧嚣呢?
- 21. It wasn't that I relied on them for logistical reasons, or to keep my life in order, or to ease the chaos of the home.
- 我依赖父母并不是为了得到后勤保障,也不是为了让生活井然有序,当然也不是为了减轻家里的混乱。
- 22. The Joker, who doesn't care for money and wants only the power to sow chaos, intimidates everyone, including the gangsters.
- 不爱金钱只想要权利来制造混乱的小丑,恫吓所有的人,包括匪徒。
- 23. By simplifying your life in this way, you create time for your happiness, and you reduce the stress and chaos in your life.
- 通过这样一种方式简化你的生活,你就为幸福创造了时间,并且减少了生活中的压力和混乱。
- 24. The Future Group, India's largest retailer, has introduced "organized chaos" into its shops to make consumers feel at home.
- 印度最大的零售商FutureGroup 将“有序的杂乱”引入商店,让顾客有宾至如归的感觉。
- 25. They were stories of a god who violently slays the forces of chaos, represented as watery dragons, as a prelude to creation.
- 这些故事讲述的是一个神以水龙的形象出现并用暴力杀死混沌的力量,这是创世的序幕。
- 26. Chaos theory was developed by scientists, trying to explain the movement of the planets and the changes in environmental conditions.
- 混沌理论是由科学家提出的,试图解释行星的运动和环境条件的变化。
- 27. These systems are right on the boundary between stable, orderly behavior and the unpredictable world of chaos, as exemplified by turbulence.
- 这些系统正好处于稳定、有序行为和不可预测的混沌世界(如乱流)之间的边界上。
- 28. Opposition leaders formed an interim government in Kyrgyzstan, following the worst political chaos there since the Tulip revolution of 2005.
- 吉尔吉斯坦组成临时政府,这是自2005年郁金香革命以来最严重的政治骚乱。
- 29. Because the basic idea of chaos theory is that there aren't any "models" as such—there aren't guaranteed forms, but rather patterns of change in development.
- 因为混沌理论的基本观点是这样的“模型”不存在——不存在确定的形式,只有发展变化中的模式。
- 30. That's what happens when you're the world's biggest creditor: you get to drop hints like that, which would be enough by themselves to create international economic chaos if they were ever leaked.
- 如果你是世界上最大的债权国,就会出现这种情况:你可以给出这样的暗示,如果这些暗示被泄露出去,它们本身就足以制造国际经济混乱。