- 1. We chose Paul Stubbs to be chairperson.
- 我们选保罗•斯塔布斯当主席。
- 2. The chairperson is chosen by secret ballot.
- 主席是通过无记名投票选举产生的。
- 3. She's the chairperson of the safety committee.
- 她是安全委员会主席。
- 4. I definitely met with my chairperson 2 years ago.
- 我确实在两年前见过我的主席。
- 5. It is amazing how a woman who may have an interest in being a leader nevertheless automatically becomes a chairperson because of the official position of her husband.
- 令人惊奇的是,一个仅仅是可能有兴趣当领导人的女人,却因为她丈夫当官,自然而然地成了主席。
- 6. Faden chairperson of the federal advisory committee of experts they assigned to do a report on the history and ethics of the government's radiation experiments on humans in the 1950's and 1960's.
- 法登是联邦顾问委员会的主席,该委员会的专家们被派去做一份关于政府在20世纪五六十年代对人类进行辐射实验的历史和伦理的报告。
- 7. Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson.
- 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。
- 8. Let's discuss who to choose as the new chairperson of the organization.
- 让我们讨论一下选谁成为组织的新主席。
- 9. No reason to get worried like that, just contact your chairperson immediately.
- 不需要这么担心,只要马上联系你的系主任就好了。
- 10. My chairperson told me that if I did independent field research in addition to the assigned work in each course; they would count as intermediate-level courses.
- 我们的系主任告诉我,如果除了每门课的指定作业之外,我能够做独立的实地调查,那么完成这些调查就可以算作上了中级水平的课程。
- 11. What is the role of the district committee chairperson?
- 地区委员会主委的角色是什么?
- 12. The club members held a secret ballot to choose the chairperson.
- 俱乐部成员用无记名投票选举负责人。
- 13. The chairperson ought to have a good control over the meeting progress.
- 会议组织者要控制好时间和会议进度。
- 14. As a district committee chairperson, in what ways can you work with clubs?
- 作为一个地区委员会主委,你能与扶轮社合作的方法?
- 15. The time can be extended if requested beforehand upon approval of the chairperson of the meeting.
- 事先提出要求,经会议主持人同意的,可以延长发言时间。
- 16. Thee chairperson of the soft drink giant said if her children call in the middle of a meeting, she takes the call.
- 努伊是软饮料界巨头公司的掌门人,她表示如果她的孩子们在会议进行中打翙电话给她,她是会接电话的。
- 17. Shanghai women artists can register via INWAA- Shanghai, please contact the INWAA Chairperson- Madam Lang Mei Cheng.
- 注意事项:上海参展女画家,请通过国际女艺术家上海分会郑兰美会长报名参加。
- 18. Rotate the chairperson at each meeting to improve team members' meeting-management skills and to get them more involved.
- 让各与会者轮流作会议主持人,以加强团队成员的会议管理技能,让他们更多地参与进来。
- 19. The governing body of the council is the Executive Committee comprised of Executive Members, headed by an elected Chairperson.
- 协会的领导集体是由理事会员组成的理事会,由选举产生的理事长领导。
- 20. Any member who requests for making a speech at a panel meeting may give a speech upon consent of the chairperson of the meeting.
- 在分组会议上要求发言的,经会议主持人同意,即可发言。
- 21. I'm particularly interested in knowing about your Physics department. Could you send me the telephone number of the department's chairperson?
- 我对贵校的物理系特别感兴趣,你能否告诉我该系负责人的电话号码?
- 22. As a district committee chairperson, how will you collaborate with assistant governors and other district committee chairpersons to effectively serve clubs?
- 作为一个地区委员会主委,你如何与助理总监及其他的地区委员会主委合作以有效地服务扶轮社?
- 23. Entrepreneur, Jeffrey Hollender, the Executive Chairperson of the green products company Seventh Generation, says most corporations are not nearly transparent enough.
- 企业家(Hollender)绿色产品公司SeventhGeneration总裁认为多数公司不够透明。
- 24. The issuer or its current chairperson or general manager, or a de facto responsible person, has received a fixed sentence or a heavier punishment from a court in the past three years.
- 发行人或其现任董事长、总经理或实质负责人于最近三年内,经法院判决有期徒刑以上之罪者。
- 25. If you are unsure how a public relations problem should be handled, seek guidance form your district's public relations chairperson or from Rotary International's public Information staff.
- 如果你不确定某个公关问题应该如何处理,可请教你的地区公关主委或国际扶轮公共资讯组办事员。
- 26. Article 108 Decisions on matters discussed at a meeting of the shareholders general assembly shall be minuted down, and the chairperson and the directors present at the meeting shall sign the minutes.
- 第一百零八条股东大会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,主持人、出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。
- 27. Article 108 Decisions on matters discussed at a meeting of the shareholders general assembly shall be minuted down, and the chairperson and the directors present at the meeting shall sign the minutes.
- 第一百零八条股东大会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,主持人、出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。