- 1. Go to the library on weekends? You are a certifiable bookworm.
- 周末还去图书馆?你真是一个无可救药的书呆子。
- 2. In some cases, the assessment may show that the product is not certifiable.
- 在某些情况下,评估可能显示产品不能被认证。
- 3. Packing on field is certifiable only if it concerns final packing and last human contact during the process.
- 如果田间包装是终包装产品并且是加工中的最后一道工序,只有在这种情况下田间包装的产品才可认证。
- 4. All his published designs are technically certifiable by the FAA, and can be implemented in airplanes already in use.
- 他的所有的公开设计的技术都是得到美国联邦航空局认可的。在现有的飞机上也能得到实践。
- 5. As a certifiable geek, I used to feign stomachaches every day so I could do my homework in the bleachers instead of play basketball.
- 作为一个公认的怪胎,我曾经每天假装肚子痛,所以我都可以在看台上做功课而不是打篮球。
- 6. Isolated areas in the northwestern corner of north Dakota and Upper Frontier of Canada are to date the only ranges of certifiable land.
- 在北达科他州的西北角与加拿大的交界处有个封闭的地区,是唯一认证的地区。
- 7. It shows that the main parameters of ash cooler with air and water adopted are certifiable, but some of its systems must be developed in further.
- 结果表明风水联合冷渣器满足锅炉运行要求,主要参数均达到设计值,但在系统方面需进一步完善。
- 8. If anything, when I see a natural label, it makes me all the more skeptical of the product, as it more often tends to be a sign of cynical marketing than any certifiable purity.
- 如果我看到有任何一样东西粘贴了“天然”之类的标签,那反倒使我更加怀疑其“天然性”。因为那会让人更容易想到,那只不过是商家的一种营销伎俩罢了,根本没法确保其纯净与否。
- 9. Your former colleagues and supervisors are a certifiable networking goldmine: they know your background, they work in your sector, and they have their own set of professional contacts.
- 你的前同事和前上司可是一座宝贵的人脉资源宝库。他们了解你的背景,他们和你在一个部门工作,而且他们自己也有一套职业人脉。
- 10. Your former colleagues and supervisors are a certifiable networking goldmine: they know your background, they work in your sector, and they have their own set of professional contacts.
- 你的前同事和前上司可是一座宝贵的人脉资源宝库。他们了解你的背景,他们和你在一个部门工作,而且他们自己也有一套职业人脉。